The Other Half Of It

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It had been a week since I figured out what I had to do for the last blessing, but no matter what I tried nothing would work.

There was some good news, Willow and Emire had started dating. They were very happy together and Willow seemed happier than before. Emrie also seemed at peace too, maybe Willow was her missing piece?

I needed help with the last blessing so I decided to talk to Geo about it. Geo was sitting on the bench like he always would, he looked out at all of the campers, and he told me that sometimes he could still hear Phoebe's laughter. I sat down next to him.

"I need your help," I said.

"Okay, with what?" Geo asked, turning his body to face me.

Geo has been calmer since we stopped arguing over every single thing.

"The last blessing, it says that I have to accept my emotions-" Everything in my world froze as Geo's arm accidentally bumped into my waist.

"Sorry...Willium are you okay?" Geo placed his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

I started crying and I couldn't stop myself from completely falling apart. I couldn't bring myself to talk so I just shook my head as tears flew out of my eyes. It felt like Zeus' hands were on my waist again, it felt like his hands were everywhere again. I hated this feeling, I felt like a monster hiding in the wiry frame of my body. I shivered as my memories came flooding back to me. I started to break down, I was so scared that I hugged my knees to my chest and just sobbed.

Geo patted me on my back, he was probably wondering what was happening. I wish I could tell him what happened to me in the mindscape, but I don't think I can even say it aloud. I just looked into his eyes, I knew I needed to tell him something.

"I-I know who put me in the mindscape," I sighed.

"Who?" Geo asked.

"Zeus, he did it," I said, wiping my tears.

"Thank you for talking to me about that," Geo said, he looked straight into my eyes again. My heart started fluttering with stupid little butterflies as he looked at me.

"Oh, right," I remembered, pulling something out of my pocket. "I made you this for your birthday," I said.

It was June 15th, Geo's birthday. I handed Geo a little brown box, with a red ribbon on it. Geo carefully unboxed the box and pulled out a necklace. The necklace was made on a bronze chain, there was a crystal hanging from the chain. The crystal was electric blue with little clouds of pink, it looked like the sky just after a sunset.

"Did you make this?" Geo exclaimed.

"Yes, I did," I said.

"It's beautiful," Geo remarked as he put it around his neck.

At night we had a birthday celebration for Geo by the campfire as the sunset. The whole night I thought about telling Geo about what Zeus did to me, but it was no use. I couldn't even say it aloud when I was all alone, so telling anyone was hopeless. But there it was, the reason why I couldn't get the last blessing was because I couldn't even say my emotions aloud. 

Willium Valen and The Blessing of ApolloWhere stories live. Discover now