Nothing's New

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It was morning again, but I didn't have any nightmares that night. Which made it even worse that I was shaking and shivering like it was winter. I got out of my bed and sighed. I felt so tired, so tired of feeling like this...feeling like I'd never feel okay ever again. Even if I felt horrible, I knew that I couldn't give up on the blessing, I just couldn't. I needed to keep going, I could do this. I got dressed and walked out of my room.

I needed to apologize to Geo, he was just trying to help me, and I shouldn't have run out on him. He didn't deserve that, even if he was annoying about it he was right, and he practically read my mind. I don't know why I push away all the people who know me the best, but I couldn't push away Geo.

I walked out of my cabin. I looked around the whole camp for Geo but he was nowhere to be found, but I knew where he was.

In the dead silence of a morning like this one, I slowly walked up the trail to the river.

It was warm, the sun was shining over the trees, but it didn't feel warm. I felt like I was stuck in a forever winter.

Geo was sitting at the shoreline, he was all alone. I sat down next to him and heard him let out a sigh, but nothing else. He just sat there, it seemed like he hadn't even noticed me.

"June 5th," Were the words that came from his mouth.

"What about it?" I asked, I felt nervous around Geo whenever he was strangely calm like this. I knew that something was wrong, but one wrong move could ruin it all.

"You know, she would've been 12 today," Geo sighed with a chuckle.

Maybe he was trying to lighten the mood with his tone, but I knew how he felt.

"I'm sorry, Geo. I should've listened to you and not run off, it could've been easier if I wasn't such a mess," I said.

Geo didn't answer, he just hugged his knees closer to his chest and softly nodded. I felt hopeless, I could tell by Geo's expression that the apology wasn't enough.

"Thank you," I sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Geo asked.

"I always knew that my family drown me out, I guess I just needed someone to say it," I muttered, expecting my tardy defeat.

"Well, you're welcome, then," Geo said, looking into my eyes. We stared into each other's eyes for a while, his eyes were like a slow melody, so perfect, so sweet. Geo smiled at me, I don't think I've ever seen his smile before. Geo's smile is subtle, he doesn't smile with his teeth, and his lips are closed, showing dimples on his cheeks. And there it was again those stupid little butterflies.

Of course, I sneezed, ruining a perfect moment.

"Sois béni-I mean bless you," Geo stammered.

"You are French!" I exclaimed. "Bonjour, oui, oui, baguette," I chuckled.

"Oh, I hate you so much," Geo said with a smile and a chuckle.

"I'm practically fluent," I scoffed. A glowing yellow pebble landed gracefully in the palm of my hand.


that word rang in my head, it was a melody of hope.

"You only have to get 7 of those, I had to get 13, although they were pretty easy, got it done in a week," Geo said.

"A week!" I exclaimed.

"Yep," Geo nodded.

Geo and I walked down the trail together, clouds were rolling in and a light drizzle filled the air.

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