The Kaeilish

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Bio about the Kaeilish people (OC species)

Planet: Keaili - Outerrim

Habitat: Keaili is a small, forest planet overrun with giant trees with winding branches and large vines. There are very thin streams scattered around along with tall grass fields. In the forests there are also clearings with either dirt floors or covered by leaves. The trees are different shades of brown and serve different purposes such as fruit bearing, medicinal, ect. There are no ice and no main bodies of water. It's just trees and rarely bushes or fields.

Climate: Always warm, never ever cold. Rains about four times a year. Never snows.

Appearance: Human-like, the only differences in outward appearances are that they have pointed elfish ears and unique markings on their face that they grow out at a certain age. They only have green, hazel, or brown eyes. They also don't wear shoes.

Abilities: Enhanced hearing and knowledge of the environment. Enhanced agility and great at climbing trees. They are virtually impossible to track due to their light body mass and knowledge of how to interact with the environment without damaging it. They are also incredible trackers.

Weaknesses: They are mortal. Due to the lack of cold temperatures on their planet, when they are exposed to the cold their bodies will automatically shut down in a form of hibernation until their body heat has returned to its normal temperature. They are also severely allergic to a berry on their planet called jikyl berries.

Culture: They live in very large communities that are NOT nomadic. These communities live deep in the forest (for protection) in a clearing. They are VERY hospitable people and to deny this is seen as very offensive. Naturally kindhearted, helpful, and peaceful people. Traditional dancing and singing is important to them and taught to everyone. At celebrations, which they love to partake in, dancing and singing will be performed by all. They are very neighborly and look after one another. They share food everyday and eat as a community. Kids begin working once they can walk. They are all natural optimists and face every new event with delight. They are also isolated from the other planets yet are welcoming whenever someone stumbles upon their remote home. Despite their kindness though, their fierce loyalty makes them very defensive of their home and they will retaliate only when attacked. Piercings are also a sacred tradition they partake in. Whenever someone overcomes a challenge, such as killing a rabid dog, they receive a ring around their ear to commend them for their victory.

Work: They are hunter-gathers and all have trained in medicine. Hunting parties switch each day for who stays and watches the younglings and who finds food.

Religion: The environment, trees in particular, are sacred objects that they see as keeping them safe and symbolize their home. Due to this belief a tradition they have to show gratitude is to stand under a tree and collect the falling leaves and gift them. Animals are also extremely sacred and the Kaeilish are known for having a much deeper connection to them. Sometimes bonds can be so great that they can communicate with animals. Due to this ideal they are all vegetarians by choice, although on their planet there are rabid mutts called Tsykos that are their main predators. Tsykos are mad dogs that have no feelings or intelligence except for violent attacking so these are the only animals the Kaeilish will hunt. The Kaeilish find all forms of life important and they thank even the Tsykos for their sacrifice before eating. Eating any form of meat (which is only allowed in worst case scenario or if the animal was already found dead) without first expressing gratitude is sacrilegious to them. Rain, birth, and death are the three main things that trigger a celebration. That along with the very rare welcoming of guests.

Fight: They are NOT fighting people, but they will protect themselves when the time comes. When faced with threat they will naturally choose the defensive but when there are no other options or their home/neighbors are in danger they will go on the offensive. Their weapons of choice are the spear and dagger.

Language: They speak some Galatic Basic from traders visiting yeas ago, but they speak their main language of Kealian. Some important sayings include;

Ja'shat - An exclamation of excitement or congratulations

Dnedsa - The feeling of home

Andgra - Family or close friends, a pack or tribe

Raj'oit - A saying of welcome 

Csyga - Great happiness or joy

*Feel free to ask any other questions about them and I will continue to update this page.

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