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'You are a man, you get to make your own choices!'

'I love you.'

'This is my fault.'

'The Jedi are corrupt.'


'I would rather have you be safe than I be happy.'

'Look out!'


'How could you?'

'You always have a choice.'


Anya fluttered her eyes open, the voices that circled her head continuing but becoming weaker by the second. She sat up with a groan, the last voice she heard before everything silenced rang out,
'Do not interfere...'

"Commander, are you alright?" Anya turned her head to find the familiar armor of Commander Stone standing over her.

"Stone," Anya grimaced. "What happened?"

"We crashed. We lost Kicker along with the pilots. You hit your head pretty bad when we went down. Gave us a bit of a scare." He told her. Anya tried to stand up, but she found her legs too weak to support herself.

"Easy, Commander. Pal, help me out." Stone and Pal hooked her arms around their shoulders and helped her limp out of the crashed shuttle.

They landed in some field and Anya noticed two shinies trying to get the communications to work.

"Put her down here." Stone said before he and Pal leaned Anya against the side of the ship. Pal touched the back of her head making Anya hiss. When he pulled away, his glove had a small blood stain on it.

"Dusty, go get me a med kit." Pal called out to one of the shinies. As the clones bustled around her, Anya focused her heavy eyes on the animals wandering in front of them. Their life signatures gave her some strength when she reached out in the Force to them. She studied them as they grazed and backed away from the nearby geysers before they went off. Interesting.

"Here ma'am." Pal opened up a medkit and began cleaning her wound. Anya sighed when he wrapped a bandage around her head, agitated by how she had to wear one again.

Anya paused as she picked up on a faint humming in the distance. The sound of speeders reached her sensitive ears causing Anya to reach out into the Force. Life forms were approaching them, but not ones with pure intentions.

"Get ready," Anya grunted, using the ships wall to push herself up. "We have enemies coming."

"How can you tell?" Dusty asked.

"Uh, Jedi, Vod." Pal told him.


"Commander, your concussion-"

"I am fine, Stone." Anya said as she ignited one of her lightsabers, wobbling back and forth as she did so. "I will not leave you on your own."

Innocence - Cpt. RexWhere stories live. Discover now