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ANYA RUBBED HER EARRINGS ANXIOUSLY AS SHE WATCHED THE TWO LARGE DOORS. Plo Koon had taken her through those doors not only an hour ago where she had seen all sorts of new looking people. She tried her best to introduce herself to them, but Master Plo Koon had to do most of the talking, Anya could only catch onto a few words.

The people first tried to ask her questions, but Anya had trouble answering. A man had asked her to try to use the 'force' to see what image he had hidden from her, but all that she could think of were strange objects she didn't know the words for. Master Plo Koon was the one to solve the problem by switching the images to objects she knew. She easily, and quite excitedly, yelled out 'tree' or 'fruit' while jumping up and down at the mere thought of nature (much to the amusement of one green man with long tentacles for hair).

After the test, the group of people had asked more questions. All of them compensated for the speech barrier by cutting their words short to make them more easy to understand.

Anya replayed a certain part of the conversation in her mind as she waited,

The small green man who Anya had suspected by then to be the high elder looked her over. "Scared, are you?"

"No." Anya replied truthfully.

"Nervous?" A man with a stern face asked.


"How do you feel?"

"Happy." Anya answered without hesitation, making a woman with red skin smile warmly at her.

The high elder regarded her with his own smile as his eyes softened on the girl. "Happiness. Yes, quite a lot of that you have, young one. But why?"

"New world. New people. New life. Have no bad."  Anya answered, trying her best to explain. "Only good. No need for no happiness."

"To think like you, more people need." The high elder spoke, looking pleased with her.

Anya still didn't know who those people were, but she could tell they were important. She did not know what they were discussing in private, but Plo Koon had given her a smile as he escorted her out, so it had to be good. Right?

Anya used her best skill, and hoped.

Anya practically shot out of her seat when Plo Koon opened the doors. She rushed to his side and tapped his leg to get his attention.

"People say what?" She asked, blinking up at him with wide hazel eyes.

Plo Koon gave the girl an affectionate look as he lowered to her level and placed a clawed hand on her shoulder. "You will be a Jedi, Anya."

Anya smiled, as she began to now hope for the future.


          ANYA FIDDLED WITH HER NEW CLOTHES AS SHE WALKED THE HALLS OF THE TEMPLE. She was given a 'robe' by Master Plo Koon so she wanted to show her gratitude by wearing it everywhere, even if it was an odd accessory. Countless times Anya had fallen down the staircase, due to her feet getting caught up in the robe, and to the fact that she was still learning how to climb staircases.

There were many things that Anya had to learn of the galaxy. She was constantly experiencing new things and was blown away by the diverse world outside Kaeili. The most important thing that she had to learn though, was galatic basic. Hence, why she stumbled her way to the 'library' with a determination in mind to be fluent in a year.

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