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ANYA TOOK A DEEP BREATH AS SHE FOCUSED ON THE PEOPLE AROUND HER. She focused on their breathing, the sound of their hearts thumping in their chests. They were alive, and Anya could feel it. She felt it in the Force, in the vibrations, in her own body. Life was all around her, life was in her.

Anya expertly spun around as she deflected the shot coming her way. She flipped her lightsaber over her back to block the shot coming from the droid behind her too. She was currently training with two spheres as they flew around, firing lasers randomly at her. The other younglings in her class watched her as did Master Windu, their instructor.

Anya dodged when she couldn't get her lightsaber up to deflect in time. She blocked laser after laser, her concentration never loosening as she focused on the life energy around her.

"Enough," Master Windu spoke after a few minutes, leaving Anya in a thin coat of sweat. The Kaeilish stopped right away as the spheres powered off. "You have all proven your capabilities with your basic saber skills, but now we move onto the next part. One on one fighting."

Anya and the rest of the younglings perked up at the Jedi's words. They had been waiting months for this.

The younglings took their places, facing each other with their lightsabers. They began learning simple blocks and experienced the feeling of lightsabers connecting. As rotations went by, their training got more intense until they finally practiced real one-on-ones, no more time-outs or simple technique.

A dual.

Anya bounced up and down as she faced off the Chiss boy, each bowing respectfully before beginning. He struck first, swinging his green saber at her. Anya quickly dodged it and struck him in the knee with a kick. He tried to slice her leg, but she jumped back in time, flipping over on a hand. He once again tried to slash her, and once again she dodged, moving to the side and punching him in the cheek.

"Sorry," Anya cringed as he stumbled back.

"There are no apologies in combat, Faeye." Master Windu said as he observed the fight with the other younglings.

"Right, sorry Master."

"What did I just say?"



"Sorry. Wait! I-" Anya cut herself off as she blocked another attack. The two locked lightsabers, pushing against each other. Their faces were fairly close so Anya could watch as a smirk grew over the boys face. He leaned closer to her before screeching as loud as he possibly could.

Anya screamed as the loud noise bounced around in her sensitive ears. She pulled away as her senses tried to adjust themself to the overstimulation. Her lightsaber clattered to the ground as her hands flew to her ears, leaving her open and unable to defend herself. So Anya could do nothing as the boy kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying into the ground.

"T-that is cheating!" Anya sniffled as she clutched her pounding ears.

Master Windu glanced down at the girl, his cold eyes not giving away a hint of sympathy or pity. "An enemy won't care if it's cheating or not. He will take advantage of any weakness you have. It is your responsibility to be prepared."

Anya wiped her eyes, shying away from the stares of her peers that weighed on her like bricks.

"Get up," Master Windu addressed her. "and do it again without letting your opponent exploit your weakness."

Anya's chest oddly became heavy at his words, but she pushed herself up and faced off the boy who looked at her with a mix of embarrassment yet also amusement.

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