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           ANYA LIFTED A GLOVED HAND AS SHE DELICATELY LET THE FLAKES FALL THROUGH HER FINGERS. She giggled quietly to herself as she watched the snow melt on her palm, the material that surrounded her body preventing her from feeling its effect.

Oh, how beautiful the new planet was. For years Anya had been stuck on Coruscant and the first experience she had outside of it is an icy snow covered planet. As far as the eye could see, a white desert stretched out to the horizon - of course that wasn't very far since the blizzard kept visibility at a minimum. Nevertheless, Anya was starstruck by this new environment.

Granted, with the new environment she had to take caution. Due to her 'allergy' to the cold, Anya was clad in heavy jackets, insulated boots, and a glass mask that went over her face, unlike the other younglings she was with.

Despite her heavy clothes, Anya's heart was light. For today, she would be receiving her kyber crystal and take the first real step to becoming a Jedi.

"Younglings," their Padawan guide, Aayla Secura, spoke up. "outstretch your hands and focus on the Force. Together, we will be allowed to enter."

Following her lead, Anya along with the other younglings raised their hands to the ice wall in front of them. Anya felt as the Force swirled around her and electrified her veins, she felt her adrenaline pump as it grew in strength the more she concentrated on the life signatures of the younglings and the padawan. Master Plo Koon always told her she was specifically strong in the life Force which she can tap into that by focusing on the energy of others around her.

The ice walls came crumbling down, revealing an ancient looking passage. Anya gasped in delight as did the other younglings as they shared looks of encouragement with each other.

"Now hurry, the sun has already risen, we must begin." Aayla said before leading them inside.

"Hey," A voice called out beside her. Anya glanced over to see a human boy standing next to her. "How do you do that?"

Anya blinked. "Do what?"

"That." He pointed towards her feet. "You're not sinking into the snow. You're staying on top of it. How do you do that?"

Anya shrugged her shoulders as she saw that he was right, she wasn't sinking into the snow unlike the rest of them. "I am not sure. I mean, I only weigh 20 pounds."

The boys head snapped up to her. "2-20 pounds!? Is that healthy!?"

A blush crept over Anya's cheeks. "My bones are really light."

"Master Yoda," a youngling in front of the group addressed when her eyes landed on the council member. The younglings came to a stop, all bowing their heads respectfully.

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