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        PLO KOON HAD NO IDEA WHAT HE WOULD BE FACING WHEN HE LANDED ON THE PLANET, KAEILI. For thousands of years the planet was isolated from the galaxy, not even explorers could navigate the thick jungle. For many decades, no one tried to.

Until the Jedi felt a powerful force sensitive child there.

The council sent Plo Koon to investigate which lead him to be landing his ship on a small patch of grass. For hours he had been scouring for a field to land in and he had finally stumbled across one.

Despite the lack of off-worlders, the planet was known for being inhabited by the mysterious Kaeilish people. Rumors of these people were all that was known of them though leaving their entire species up to speculation.

The Jedi climbed out of his ship and brushed off his robes. He could feel the pull in the Force, guiding him to whatever person he was looking for.

"Oh," Plo Koon said to himself when he glanced up. All around him were trees with giant roots, vines, and branches that weaved themselves together, practically forming a wall. "I can see why no one comes here."

He began to try and make his way through the forest although he tripped and stumbled over roots and branches. Even for a Jedi, the trek was difficult. Yet, he could feel the pull in the Force getting stronger with each step. He felt excited to be exploring this new world, until he heard a low growl.

The Jedi snapped his head up to see a branch above him shake. He could feel a presence in the Force, an animal, a dangerous one at that. Snarls echoed throughout the forest and Plo Koon watched as swift shadows jumped from tree to tree, slowly surrounding him. He reached for his lightsaber just as his eyes landed on a pair of yellow pupils and a set of fangs.

Some sort of a wild dog leapt down from the tree, directly ontop of him, knocking his lightsaber out of his hand. Plo Koon Force pushed the dog off of him, but an entire pack of the dogs leapt down and faced him off. The Jedi pulled his lightsaber to him with the force, preparing to fight off the creatures when more beings suddenly leapt down from the canopy.

One of the wild dogs was dead, then so was the next one, and the next. Plo Koon watched as his saviors began sweeping through the dogs, stabbing and jumping over them, all while masterfully escaping their ravenous jaws.

Plo Koon managed to cut down the last dog right before it pounced on the beings and he could finally get a good look at who saved him since the beings were now standing still. A trio stood in front of him, two boys and a girl. They were all very young with long, pointy ears that each had a few piercings on them. The tallest of the boys, who had wavy brown hair, sheathed his blade that was covered with the blood of the dog he slayed. The youngest of the boys, who had white hair, had a spear which was still trapped inside the carcass of a dog. And the girl gazed up at him with big hazel eyes as she sheathed her two daggers.

Despite just watching the trio kill a pack of wild dogs by themselves, Plo Koon imagined the three children would run away. He had heard stories of the Kaeilish being very private and isolated people. No doubt such youth would be frightened by a stranger. What he was not expecting was the three of them to break into a sprint and wrap themselves around his legs.

"Se hasi! Se hasi!" One of the boys cried out. A stranger! A stranger!

"Raj'oit hasi." Welcome stranger. The girl said while the other boy began to climb up the Jedi, surprisingly having little trouble with making his way up the side of his robes.

"Cue grangha joits eio herat hasi." What funny clothes you wear, stranger. The boy stated as he sat himself down on the Jedi's shoulders.

Plo Koon could feel the life and happiness in the Force that swirled around these children. He could tell that one of them was deeply connected to it, meaning one was Force sensitive, but the Force that surrounded them was the pure good side of it. He could feel the light that radiated off the children.

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