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          ANYA'S MITTENS HELD ON TIGHTLY TO THE HANDLE. She glanced warily over at Anakin who was dressed in a blue parka. She loved him dearly, but he was the last person she ever wanted to be in a ship with. Every time he so much as looked towards one, it would blow up. In fact only a few rotations Anakin was on a ship that crashed leaving him with some injuries that he was still recovering. But of course, he insisted he was fine and so he highjacked Obi-Wan and Anya's mission. At least Anakin brought along the 501st who made dealing with Anakin worth while.

"And this is the planets tropical zone." Obi-Wan yelled over the howling wind as they landed, snow whipping their faces.

"It's not Tatooine, that's for sure." Anakin yelled back.

"Or Kaeili." Anya added as she made sure all her snow gear was secure. She just recovered from a concussion she did not need to go passing out anytime soon.

Anya couldn't help but smirk at Anakin and give his shoulder a nudge. Usually he would stand a few inches taller than her, a fact that he enjoyed to flaunt in every argument they had. Yet now, Anya was ever so slightly above him since while Anakin sunk into the snow, Anya balanced ontop. Anakin saw this and glared at Anya's smug expression.


"Goodbye? What-" Anya was cutoff by Anakin shoving her full force into the snow bank. Her back hit the powdery ground this a muffled 'THUD' and Anya found herself immediately being consumed by the white substance.

"Anakin!" Anya heard Obi-Wan scold as Anya wiggled around on the ground. "Help." She grunted, trying to pull herself up in her layers and layers of clothes. "Cannot move."

Hands hooked under her armpits and easily hoisted her back onto her feet. "Thank you, Rex." Anya smiled appreciatively. "I am glad someone cares!"

Anakin only stuck his tongue out at her in reply.

"General Kenobi!" The chairman of Pantora called out as he approached the Jedi. "Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi. I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area." Obi-Wan told him.

"I respect your judgment, General Kenobi, but I will go where I choose. This is sovereign Pantora territory." Chairman Cho declared.

"I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore, it's not aligned." Anakin said, the wind nearly washing away his voice.

"Our moon of Pantora is the only civilization in this system. I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us." Chairman Cho declared. Anya glanced around at the barren environment. If it was a wasteland why was he so adamant on the possession of it?

Anya shook her head. She didn't really understand any of the politics at play here, she didn't even think it possible for a person or a group to own land. Nature cannot be governed by people, that was her opinion.

"With all due respect, Chairman, this is for the Senate to decide, not us." Obi-Wan told him.

"Ah, but the Jedi report to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora."

"Technically speaking, Master Jedi, the Chairman is correct. Since the planet is uninhabited, the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as its protectorate." Anya smiled kindly as the Senator's eyes met hers. She seemed more respectful than the Chairman.

"Point taken, Senator. Anakin, stay here with the Senator and the droids while we secure the base." Anya fell in step behind her Master as they made their way towards the Republic outpost.

"You know, Anya, you can talk during meetings such as that." Obi-Wan told her as he walked beside her.

Anya glanced up at him, her mouth falling slightly ajar at his words. "I-I am sorry, I did not know I was doing wrong-"

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