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ANYA FLOPPED ONTO HER BED, FACE FIRST. She exhaled a muffled sigh into her pillow as a white wolf trodded over to her. He plopped down by her side, whining quietly and leaning over to lick her face.

"Hello, Beskar." Anya groaned, running a hand through his fur. "I missed you too." Beskar barked happily in reply.

Anya rolled out of her cot and to her bathroom, shrugging off her armor and clothes in the process. Usually she would have folded them neatly up in her washing pile before hand, but after a full week of no bathing on Ryloth, getting clean was her priority right now. Anya turned on her refresher and stepped under the water. Her mind wandered to her past mission as she thoroughly lathered herself with soap. Specifically, the young couple she met. Anya wished desperately she could have went back to check on them, but between the 212th moving out and the locals moving back in she never found them. She still could hear the screams of the mother and see the fear in the fathers eyes. But Anya could also remember the little giggle that passed through the baby's lips when Anya handed her to her parents. The family looked so at peace despite being in the middle of a war zone. Anya felt her stomach deflat at the thought of how she could never have that peace. She could never hold a child of her own, she could never have her own family, she could never love someone. Not as long as she was a Jedi.

Anya sighed to herself as she stepped out of the refresher and grabbed a towel. It was true, if Anya had the choice she would love and she would have a family. But Anya choose the path of a Jedi first, and using her skills to save people came before her own desires. It came before her own peace.

Anya threw on some simple robes as she dried her wet locks with a towel. Beskar sniffed one of her potted plants before trotting over to her and whining.

"No, I am not upset. Why would you say that?" Anya asked Beskar, petting his ear. "I do not seem upset! I do not!"

Beskar huffed at her and Anya scoffed back as she picked up her holopad and began checking her to-do list.

Feed Beskar, water plants, call: Wolffe, Hondo, Master Plo, Lucian, and Ahsoka.

Anya scrolled her way through her list that ranged from simple daily tasks to starting new projects. There were certain underground activities she heard about that she wanted to investigate despite not being ordered to do so. She didn't mind going out of the way to investigate, Anya found she enjoyed it far more than fighting. She also felt she was more skilled at it.

"Hey, Anya. Can I come in?"

Anya hopped out of her bunk when she heard Anakin's voice, using the Force to open her door.

"I was wondering if I could-" Anakin cut himself off as Beskar suddenly began barking ferociously, baring his teeth and lunging off of Anya's cot.

"Beskar!" Anya yelled as Anakin backed up from the wolf.

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