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         "SO SHOULD I MOVE THERE OR THERE?" Anya asked, pointing to the holocreatures of the game. She propped herself up on her elbow with a white hospital sheet draped over half of her body. Her skin returned to its normal tan, a sharp contrast from the pale white it was a week ago.

"Now if I told you, how would I win?" Rex chuckled back from his own hospital bed, the color returned into his face as well.

Anya pouted at him. "Come on, this is my first time playing. Help me out."

Rex exhaled through his nose and pointed to one of her creatures. "There." Anya pressed her controls making the creature advance. Rex immediately crushed it.

Rex laughed as Anya stared at the game with her mouth ajar. "Rex!?" She whined. "Why!? I trusted you!"

"Yeah," Rex crushed another one of her creatures. "But I want to win."

It had been a week since the incident on Naboo. Luckily, everyone who survived made a full recovery including Rex and Anya who were on their last day of bed rest.

Rex and Anya stayed close to each other ever since they woke up, something deep down that neither would admit driving them to make sure the other was okay at all times. Kix was kind enough to move their cots into the same room as long as they promised to stay still and rest like they were required to. The both obliged as long as they had each other.

Anya frowned, flopping into her bed. "I quit!"

"I was just joking, Anya, please." Anya turned to see Rex pleading to her with his light brown eyes. With a stubborn huff she sat up. She inspected the board before moving a creature forward. Rex destroyed it once again, winning the game.

"Yes!" He cheered making Anya groan. "I do not like playing games with you."

"You're just upset because I always win." Rex smirked. Anya did not dignify him with a response. "C'mon, Anya I was only joking."

She turned her back on him. "Anya?" Rex asked quietly. "Anya? You're not really mad, right?" Anya did not respond. She would let his mind eat itself a little bit just for beating her at another game.

Something poked her back. "Anya? Anya? I'm sorry, you can win the next game!"

She glanced over her shoulder. "It will not be the same."

There was a brief pause and Anya thought for a second that she actually convinced Rex she was mad. She was turning over to tell him she was only joking when something soft, yet firm hit her in the face, knocking her back.

Anya fell back against her cot, looking up in shock to see Rex sitting up with his arm outstretched, pillowless and a slacked jaw.

"Oh so we are going there." Anya said, picking up her and Rex's pillow off of the floor.

"Anya, Anya wait," Rex said slowly as he crawled out of his bed, holding his hands up. "I-I didn't mean it." Anya stalked towards him, as he continued to back up. "Please. We can talk this through." Rex's back hit a wall and he looked around to see he was cornered with a Jedi towering over him.

"There is nothing left to discuss." Anya said before lifting up the pillows as Rex screamed.

"I hope Rex's okay." Tup said as he walked through the halls with two of his brothers by his side. "I heard from Denal that things got really rough on Naboo."

"Like a fight?!" Hardcase asked, getting smacked in the head. "Don't you pay attention to anything? Everyone was sick, they were exposed to the Blue Shadow Virus. You know, the reason they were on Naboo in the first place." Jesse told him. Hardcase only groaned in boredom.

Innocence - Cpt. RexOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora