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HURRIED FOOTSTEPS ECHOED THROUGH THE HALLS OF THE JEDI TEMPLE. Bare feet rapidly tapped against the marble floor as a child sprinted amongst the elders and other younglings. Anya weaved her way in and out of groups, waving to a few sentinels that she called friends, who gave her their usual serious nod in reply. Her breaths were steady from her training and natural endurance despite her fast pace. She rounded corners and would have fallen due to her speed if it wasn't for her Kaeilish balance that kept her upright.

"I am so sorry, Master!" Anya cried as she accidental rounded a corner too quickly and slammed into a Jedi.

The older man glanced down at her and looked her over with a stern glance before offering her half a smile behind his beard. "No trouble, youngling. Just watch where you are going next time." The dark haired man told her as he helped her up. "And slow down."

"Yes, Master." Anya bowed respectfully before scurrying off, this time at a much slower pace. "Sorry again, sir!"

Anya turned on her heel and tried to walk at a normal pace, but her excitement got the better of her. Her blood rushed and her heart pumped as adrenaline filled her veins. The girl forced her legs to slow in their pace as she made her way to the temple hangar, wanting to be the first to greet her good friend back from his trip.

"Master Qi-Gon!" Anya cheered when she spotted out the familiar man.

"Hello, little Anya." Qi-Gon beamed as he scooped the girl up into his arms. "It is good to see you again."

"It is good to see you too, Master." She smiled as she clung to his neck. "Is Obi-Wan back too?"

"Yes, my young apprentice is here and is ready to help you with your studies." Qi-Gon told her as he sat her on the ground.

"How long will you two be here?" Anya asked as the duo began to walk through the halls. "Only for a few rotations, I'm afraid we're leaving for Hoth soon."

"Hoth?" Anya repeated. "What planet is that, Master?"

"Hoth is a barren planet filled with snow. We are going to go check on a couple disappearances that have been happening in a particular area there."

"Snow?" Anya repeated, rolling the word around in her mouth. "What is snow?"

"You've never seen snow?" Qi-Gon asked the child who hurriedly shook her head back. "Well, we'll have to change that. Perhaps I can bring some back for you."

"I would like that." Anya smiled.

"Master, I-"

"Obi-Wan!" Anya shrieked when she caught sight of the familiar Padawan. She broke out into a sprint and charged towards him, who already had his arms ready to catch her.

"I am so glad to see you safe." She told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Glad to see me safe or glad to have me back so that I can help you with your studies?"

"I am glad you are safe, but I would like your help." Anya told him as he placed her back down.

Obi-Wan chuckled as he ruffled her golden brown locks, the girl laughing along joyously.

"I heard from Master Plo Koon that you will soon get your kyber crystal." Obi-Wan smiled as the girl clutched onto his waist. He didn't bother to remove her, knowing physical attention was how she showed affection.

"Only a few more months."

"Are you excited?" Qi-Gon asked, already knowing the answer.

"Absolutely!" Anya cheered. "Soon I will be a knight like you, Master Qi-Gon! But I will not be nearly as half as good as you."

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