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"WELL?" Eshe asked as she approached her padawan. "Are you ready?"

Anya hopped onto the ship, a bag on her back and something tucked under her arm.

Eshe gave her a look.

"What?" Anya asked innocently.

"You aren't really bringing that, are you?"

Anya looked down at the bundle in her hand. "He was a gift."

A little loth-wolf pup writhed around in her arms, playful biting at her arm.

"It's trying to eat you."

"No he is not." Anya replied, prying her arm out of his mouth. "I cannot leave him here. Who will take care of him? He cannot survive on the streets by himself!"

Eshe scoffed as she sat down in the pilots seat, Anya sitting adjacent from her. "Why do you even have that thing in the first place?"

Anya pet the fur of the wolf as it tucked itself closer to her. "He was a gift from my uncle, for my 18nth birthday."

"What part of 'no possessions' do you not understand?" Eshe asked, having no idea what she just did.

As she powered up the ship, Anya swiveled towards her, mouth agape and eyes wide. "What?" The Zabrak asked, noticing her padawans expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"P-p-p-p-" Anya took a deep breath. "POSSESSION!? He is not a possession Master! I do not own him! He is a living being, he belongs to no one! A life form cannot own one another!"

"Okay, I get it." Eshe said as she took off. "No! We are going to talk about this! Slavery is a complete debacle and pets are just another form of it-"

Eshe sighed as she plugged in the coordinates she got from her source, the duo having run an investigation on the mysterious planet Kamino a week before. Her padawan continued to rant about the topic of the importance of life and ownership for the entire ride through hyperspace. Eshe stopped listening in the first ten minutes, finding that nothing would get the girl to shut up. This was the first time she ever saw Anya so riled up by something. The padawan bordered on anger instead of passion.

"All life has equal dignity. This ownership or non-consensual control is an evil thing."

"So you've said," Eshe sighed as she descended into Kamino's atmosphere. "For the past two hours."

"And do not even get me started on individuals amongst a group-"

"Oh will you look at that, we're here." The Jedi knight cut her off as she landed the ship on a platform slick by the rain pouring out from the thick overcast.

They stepped off of the craft, Anya tucking the pup into her pack. She immediately shielded her face from the rain as it whipped harshly against her cheek. "I've never seen so much water before in my life!" She yelled to her Master over the howling winds of the storm. They made their ways towards a set of doors which slid upon when they approached them.

"Be careful, Anya." Eshe told her as they quietly stepped inside the facility. "We have no idea what we're facing."

Anya glanced around at the smooth white walls that glowed underneath florescent light. The place reminded her of the public medical station, it even smelled like it.

"I think this is a medical facility of some sort, Master." Anya said as they began to tiptoe around the halls. "What do you hear?"

Anya listened, she could make out voices - lots of them, they just oddly sounded all the same. "Many, many voices."

Innocence - Cpt. RexWhere stories live. Discover now