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ANYA BLOCKED ANOTHER PUNCH THAT WAS THROWN HER WAY. Sweat coated her brow and made her clothes stick to her skin. Her breaths were ragged as she dodged yet another kick at her stomach.

"How do you people have this endurance!?" Anya screeched as she flipped back to get space between her and her opponent.

"Get her CC-2224!" CC-3636 cheered as CT-7567 watched with concern. "Be careful! If you kill her we'll get in trouble!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Anya frowned at the men as she stumbled back from another strike from CC-2224.

For a whole month Anya and Eshe had been staying on Kamino. In that time Eshe ordered no outside communications so Anya couldn't receive any calls from Lucian and Anakin. She didn't miss them terribly though since she had her boys to keep her company.

Anya befriended many of the clones there, specifically though the first three she met.

CC-2224 became her sparing partner and a skilled one at that. He was able to keep Anya on her toes and she learned more about fighting from him than any of her lessons. CC-2224 was a curious case to Anya. Around all his brothers he was professional and calm, but when he was with her and the others he always laughed the loudest and talked the most. He would crack jokes and make her giggle and yet around his men he would flip a switch and become the commanding officer of his platoon.

CC-3636 was the last of the trio to truly warm up to her, but once she got inside his walls he was the most caring out of all of them. Despite intimidating all of his other brothers, he was surprisingly a great meditation partner. He could calm everything about him and sit with Anya in silence for hours on end. CC-3636 was the one who always seemed to keep everyone else in line, telling them stuff like 'no CC-2224 you should not try to see how far vo'dika can force push you. Why? Because you will die.'. He also always made sure she was okay after CC-2224 and her's sparring sessions, despite him encouraging pain in the middle of it.

Then there was CT-7567. The best words Anya could use to describe him was odd. One minute he's the perfect soldier, quiet, diligent, reserved than the next he's chasing one of the cadets down the hall because they pranked him...again. Anya never knew why he was the victim of the cadets pranks. She thought it was because CC-3636 scared them too much and CC-2224 reactions to the pranks on CT-7567 were just too funny on their own. CT-7567 was a perfectionist and the only time she ever saw him not working was when she forced him to just relax with her. Even then he wouldn't stop shifting around or muttering about reports. But at the same time he was a fantastic leader, everyone loved him. Anya just worried for him. He always took on too much and he would always refuse her help no matter how many times she would offer. What made him so strange to her was how he acted around her. He was...more gentle when he was around her. He always acted like he had to take care of her and make sure she was safe. Anya assumed it was because he felt bad for knocking her out, but even with the way he talked to her. He was open and vulnerable with her something he wasn't with his brothers. Anya never could figure out why he treated her so special though.

Anya stumbled back when CC-2224 managed to land a kick on her, making the Loth wolf that watched the training bark.

"It is okay wolf." She said before pushing herself back into the fight.

"You've had that thing for a month and you still haven't named it?" CC-3636 asked.

"I do not feel it is my place to name him." Anya grunted in reply as she punched CC-2224 just for him to grab her arm and flip her over.

"Careful!" CT-7567 hissed.

"It is alright," Anya sat up as the Loth wolf plopped itself down in her lap. "I have had worse in my training."

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