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Bastards. Kidnapping my brother. How could they be so daring? I cursed under my breath while driving towards the hill. They hid him somewhere in the middle of the jungle. I promise Raj, I won't let anything happen to you. I was in no mood to spare anyone. My eyes started turning red due to the anger rising on my nerves. 

"Tanishk drive as fast as possible or else I'll kill you" I roared. We drove towards the deep jungle, hoping that Raj was alive. Tanishk found out that they were hiding somewhere at the old mansion with a bunch of bodyguards. As of now, I don't care how many people I will have to fight to save my brother. The car stopped, we got out and tiptoed towards it. I pulled out my gun and took a defensive stance as we stood outside the door. The air over there was intense as I could hear some evil laughs from the inside. I could hear Raj speaking something and then laughing out loud. 

(A bit of disturbing content ahead, those who are not used to violence and killing can skip this part *******)

Are they joking or what? I thought. Until I heard a gunshot. Fuck. I kicked open the door and entered inside, firing bullets. With Tanishk behind my back, I panicked as I saw Raj on the floor with blood all over his lower left. That motherfucker. I went and clutched the old man's hair, he opened his mouth as he whimpered. I took my gun near to his mouth, kept the gun on the roof of his mouth and pulled the trigger. One, two, three, five......I shot as many bullets as I had in my gun. The old man fell on the floor, unconscious, and a pool of blood started to form around him. His bodyguards approached towards me with iron rods and knives in their hands. One of them came forward and tried to hit me. I ducked down, held his legs and made him fall. Sitting on him, I started punching him. I felt someone piercing their knife through my arm. 

I looked towards him and gave him the dirtiest look. His face went pale and took his steps backwards. I grabbed the iron rod and hit him with full force. I saw Raj crawling to the nearby pillar to take support. I glanced over at Tanishk who was busy kicking someone's balls. I ran towards Raj, taking him in my embrace.

(Disturbing content ends****)

"Stay awake Raj, do you hear me? please stay awake...please" I shook him as he was losing his senses slowly. I picked him up and ran towards the car. Tanishk came behind me, sat in the driving seat and started driving. I was with Raj in the backseat of the car, his breathing was turning slow. I removed his blood-smeared t-shirt and wrapped it around his wound. He winced and screamed in pain. Somewhere, I was responsible for the situation we were in right now. 

"How bad is it?" Tanishk asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Fucking bad" I grunted holding on to the wound on Raj's abdomen.

"Drive as fast as possible, get to the nearest hospital, Nothing will happen, we still have time" I assured him despite being scared as hell myself. Prince of the mafia world, got his brother kidnapped and got to know about it after fucking 5 hours. How could I be so careless? I groaned in anger reacting to my thoughts. I won't spare that Mehra. I will rip every ounce of his skin. 

Suddenly, my eyes fell on a girl in the middle of the street doing something. Stupid. Get the fuck out of my way. Tanishk started honking towards her. As the road was small in width, we couldn't even tilt our steering even a bit. MOVE ASIDE. I screamed. OH SHIT OH SHIT. I heard Tanishk muttering under his breath. What the fuck is she even thinking of herself? I felt a strong push towards the front as Tanishk held on to the breaks. She fell, maybe a bit under our car. 

"MOVE THE DAMN CAR" I screamed at the top of my voice. 

"I'M TRYING"  He took a reverse and I saw the girl rising and yelling towards us. I couldn't hear anything, the only thing that mattered to me was my brother, who was on his deathbed right now. I saw Tanishk lowering the window and yelling back at her. She moved aside and we rushed at full speed to the hospital. I took Raj in my arms and led him through the entrance, towards the lobby. I screamed, asking for the nurses and the doctors. A few nurses rushed towards me with the stretcher. They took Raj with them inside the OT. I heard the receptionist speaking to someone about Raj. 

I waited there pacing back and forth in the lobby. While Tanishk was filling out the application forms. A few minutes passed and I peeped through the glass of the OT. Why is no one working on him? Is there no doctor? How could it be? I rushed towards the receptionist asking the same. 

"Sir, the doctor is on the way, she will be here in a few minutes" She spoke in a calm tone. 

"What the fuck? Do you have only one doctor in your fucking hospital? Nobody knows he would be dead the next minute. HOW COULD YOU ALL BE SO CASUAL? I want my brother to be treated right now or else I will wipe the whole existence of this hospital." I roared placing the gun at the corner of her head. The small girl shivered heavily. Everyone froze at their places.

 "She...she..." She muttered, her eyes moving towards a girl running at the OT. A wave of relief ran through me as I saw her placing orders and getting on her work. I paced back and forth through the doors of the lobby waiting for the procedure to be completed. 

"Param Chacha is asking about you" Tanishk spoke to me forwarding me the phone. I was not in my senses to answer anybody right now. I negatively moved my neck indicating that I didn't want to speak anything to anyone. 

"Chacha ji, he denied...." He kept on speaking on the phone and disappeared through the exit of the lobby. I sat on the nearby bench, placing my elbows on my thighs and holding my head in my palms. 

Bound by Blood: A Tale of Mafia and MedicineWhere stories live. Discover now