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Without a moment's hesitation, Aditya tightened his grip on the steering wheel and pressed his foot down on the accelerator, propelling the car forward with an incredible burst of speed. As Aditya's car surged ahead, two additional vehicles followed closely behind.

The first car housed a team of security personnel who were ready to protect and assist Aditya in any way necessary. In the second car, Muskan drove, while Raj and Tanishk anxiously clung to each other, their faces etched with worry. Together, the three cars raced through the winding roads, Aditya's determination never wavered, his focus solely on reaching Soyra and ensuring her safety.

As Aditya arrived at the destination, the air was thick with anticipation. The sleek black car came to a halt, and Aditya swiftly stepped out, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Muskan and Tanishk, his trusted allies, emerged from their vehicle in perfect synchrony, their expressions determined and focused. With lightning speed, Aditya reached into his pocket, retrieving two guns. Muskan and Tanishk mirrored Aditya's actions, each of them held a gun in both hands, their fingers poised on the triggers, ready to unleash a storm of bullets.

Preceding Aditya, the security team positioned themselves strategically, forming a protective shield around him. Aditya's gaze shifted to the security team, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. With a nod from Aditya, the team moved forward, their footsteps purposeful and determined.

On entering the door, what they saw made everyone widen their eyes. Things were scattered on the ground, with a few of the bodyguards lying motionless on the floor in a pool of blood. There were broken pieces of glass and traces of bloody footsteps. Radhika was lying unconscious on the floor, with blood flowing from the side of her head and bruises on her cheeks.

Aditya's heart skipped a beat as he took in the shocking scene before him. His mind raced with the possibility that Soyra had been taken and something terrible had happened to her. However, he quickly pushed aside those dark thoughts and sprinted up the stairs, while the rest of the group scattered to search every room for any sign of her presence.

Kabir was positioned at the bedroom entrance, partially seated and leaning against the corner of the door frame. His hands were stained with blood, while his white shirt displayed streaks of crimson. Blood dripped from his arms, and he gasped for breath while gripping the spot where he had been shot. Aditya knelt in front of Kabir, gripping his shoulders and patting his cheeks as he was losing consciousness.

"SOYRA KAHA HAI????" He asked worriedly to Kabir.

"Voh....voh..le ga...ya.." Kabir was unable to speak due to the pain erupting from his body.

Aditya quickly connected the dots, after hearing those words from Kabir.


He stomped his feet on the ground and punched the wall, unable to control his restlessness. Descending the stairs, he let out a thunderous roar in the hallway, capturing everyone's attention and conveying the message that Soyra had been captured. Leaving the bungalow behind, he climbed into his car, slamming the steering wheel in frustration before starting the engine. With determination, he accelerated and drove directly towards Mehra's house.

He raced through the city streets in his sleek black sedan, pushing its limits. Suddenly, a black BMW appeared ahead, and he instantly recognized it as the target vehicle. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other firmly gripping his gun, he rolled down the window and aimed the car's wheel, firing a shot.

Instantly, the bullet made contact with the car's wheel, causing it to deflate and leading to the car flipping over and landing on its roof. Aditya, satisfied with his precise aim, smirked and applied the brakes, causing his car to screech as it turned around and came to a dramatic stop a few meters behind the flipped car.

Exiting his vehicle, he bent down and peered through the window of the flipped car, only to discover a frightened Soyra, gripping the car's headboard tightly while hanging upside down, and Mehra's son on the driver seat lying unconscious. Aditya's heart softened as he observed her, and a sigh of relief escaped his lips upon finding her. Without any delay, he reached out and firmly grasped her hand, supporting her as she emerged from the overturned car.

She straightened herself, and her heart exploded with emotions, after realising that Aditya saved her. She hid herself in his chest in a tight hug, sobbing uncontrollably as if her life depended on him. It did. Aditya wrapped his arms around her back, his other hand caressed her hair as she cried on his chest. With her safety assured in his arms, Aditya closed his eyes and his heart beat faster, knowing that the person he lived for was right there with him, and was safe.

"Shhhh, chup. Mai hu na yaha" He consoled her, unable to bear the sound of her sobbing.

"Please chalo" She whispered back, tightly clinging to his shirt.


With a gentle grip on her waist, he guided her towards the car and courteously opened the door, ensuring she was comfortably seated. Settling into the driver's seat, he skillfully reversed in a straight line before stepping out of his vehicle. Standing at a safe distance, he aimed two precise shots at the car's engine, resulting in a fiery burst and an instantaneous explosion that engulfed the vehicle in flames.

Slightly twisted pleasure ran through his body as he watched the car engulfed in flames. Retracing his steps, he slid into his vehicle and caught sight of Soyra, her wide-eyed face filled with pure terror.



Her heavily panicked voice echoed through the air as she witnessed the car engulfed in flames. She clasped her mouth by both her hands and widened her eyes in utmost fear. Silently, he ignited the engine and maintained his unwavering attention on the road, ignoring her words.

"ADITYA !!??"

"JAWAB DO????"

"Kuch nahi hua, chup raho"

He responded, his voice filled with an unsettling mixture of anger, and glared at her.

Soyra's gaze remained fixed on him, her face contorted with confusion as she struggled to grasp the situation unfolding before her. It was unimaginable for her to witness someone's death, especially since she was a doctor who had always strived to save lives. Yet, at this moment, she found herself powerless, observing a murder without taking any action.

All of a sudden, his phone rang, and he swiftly answered the call.

"She's with me, relax"


"Pahad wale mandir pe"

"Ha Wahi par"

As he concluded the conversation, he casually slipped his phone into his pocket. Meanwhile, Soyra's eyes remained locked on him, still recovering from the murder scene she had witnessed moments ago.

"kaha ja rahe hai hum?" She snapped at him, restlessness growing inside her eyes, seeking answers.

"Mandir" Aditya replied with a cold tone, his gaze unwavering.


"Shadi karne"



With a burst of anger, he snapped at her, his eyes glaring with intensity. The sudden roar startled Soyra, causing her to flinch and her eyes to fill with fear, leaving her unable to speak.

Hearing his impromptu wedding plan, her eyes widened with a mixture of shock and curiosity. Refusing the marriage was out of the question, as she had no place to call home and nowhere else to seek refuge. Thus, she silently accepted her fate of marrying Aditya.

While Soyra closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat, Aditya focused on the road ahead. Despite understanding Soyra's need for time, he prioritized her safety over waiting for her to make a decision. Recognizing that his house provided the utmost security, he decided to marry her, against her will.

Bound by Blood: A Tale of Mafia and MedicineWhere stories live. Discover now