Chapter 4

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After I left Hermione in our dorm to rest for a bit I went out in my outfit from morning. I wanted to find boys, but when I arrived to Slytherin common room, there was only Theodore.

"Hi Theo. Where are boys?"

"Oh, hey girl. They're still celebrating so they went to great hall to celebrate"

"Oh okay. Cool... So um... Do you want to do something?"

"Like what for example?"

"I don't know. Maybe prank Snape?"

"Do you even have to ask me that? Come on let's go "

It was great prank we laughed our ass off and it was really fun. Until he started chasing us.

"Come on Jakie. Hurry up. He's gonna catch you"

"I'm a cheerleader. Not an athlete or professional runner"

"Man, you'll get us into trouble with your slow speed. Take my hand"


"Just do it"

I took his hand and he pulled me into some empty class.

"He passed by this classroom. I think we're good for now"he said in relieve 

"Alright let's go back to common room"

"Good idea"

When we came back boys were finally back and Pansy was too. He jumped from the sofa and came to hug me.

"Hey guys"I said when I sat down on another sofa

"I was thinking that maybe tonight we could have party. What do you guys think?"Tom suggested

"That's great idea. What time?" Pansy asked

"I don't know maybe nine o'clock"

"Okay"we all agreed with Tom

I just got to my dorm when I saw Ginny and Hermione looking at me strangely.

"What" I said breaking the silence

"Where have you been?"Hermione asked me with scared voice

"I was with my friends. Something bad happened?"

"Ron and Harry found out Matheo was here last night and they're not happy"

"First of all Ron's not my brother so it's none of his business and second of all who told them?"

"I did. He's your brother he should know it and Ron cares about you like you're his sister too. I didn't mean to cause any harm. I'm really sorry. It was mistake. I thought he wouldn't get mad. He asked Ron why you're off lately and I just wanted to make joke that maybe it's because Riddle" Ginny admitted

I'm gonna kill her.



"You have 5 seconds"

She immediately understood and ran out ouf room.


I still heard her steps.

"TWO! I still hear you! Run faster!"

"Jackie please try not to kill her"Hermione tried to calm me down

"THREE! I'll see what I can doo. FOUR!FIVE! Bitch I'm coming for you!" I stormed out of room

I started to chase her through the castle. I couldn't find her. I looked everywhere expected one dorm. It was my brother's room.

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