Chapter 8

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Matheo took me to hospital wing. When I saw Oliver I came over to his wounded body laying on this bed without moving. I was sitting here for hours. Matheo already left. I was holding Oliver's hand and looking at him with tears in my eyes. If I didn't kiss Matheo he would stop his friends from beating Oliver. I'm gonna kill Draco just like I said. He'll regret what he did. 

It was maybe 4:00pm when I woke up. My head was next Oliver's. I was still sitting on my chair with my head resting on Oliver's pillow. When I opened my eyes I saw Harry standing behind me. He was looking down at me sad. We always fight and hate each other but this time I really needed my brother to act like my brother. I stood up and hugged him around his neck. He hugged me back.

"It's my fault Harry"I said almost crying

"It's not your fault Jackie"

"Yes it is in the morning when he was practicing there was also Riddle. When Oliver went to locker room Matheo and I were kissing. And then five minutes later he called my name we both rushed to him and he was bleeding badly. If I didn't kiss Matheo he would be with Oliver and protect him from his friends. I should never kiss him"I cried

"It's gonna be okay. Maybe you kissed Riddle but it's still not your fault. Maybe if he would be there he would end up hurt too. You can't know what would happen"


" It's not your fault"he cut me off

He took a deep breath.

"I know I act like total moron and I always ruin your moments but you're my sister. And I love my sister. We're twins. You'll never be alone. I'll try my best to be better brother to you"

He took me away for a walk to clear my mind. We were walking around in the castle.

"Hey can I ask you one question?"he started

" Sure"

"That night Sirius came for Chinese when we were eight, before he arrived we were playing together. But then you went downstairs to drink and when you came upstairs into our room you were looking sad and you said you don't want to talk to me and that you hate me. I know I was asshole but why did you change your mood all of sudden?"

I sadly looked in his eyes. I told what happened. He looked at the ground. 

"I think I know what they were talking about" he said trying not to cry but his voice was cracking

"What? How do you know?"

"When you went on a trip with Sirius I stayed home and parents had to go away to visit aunt Petunia for some reason. I wanted to find my toy that I lost. I was looking for it in their bedroom too. And when I opened the drawer I saw some papers with our names on it. It was saying Harry and Valerie Potter. I thought it was mistake cause your name is Jacqueline not Valerie. I wanted to read more about it but it was just yours and mine birth certificate"

I was confused.

"I didn't think about it much. But what you told made me realise everything. I don't know how to tell you but..."

"What is it Harry?"

"I think I really had twin but it's not you"

"What do you mean?"

"I think we're not real twins"

"No... It can't be true. It can't. We grew up together whole life. We were together from day one"

We hugged again we both cried.

"When I went on trip with Sirius he was telling it will be okay. He was always nice to me like he was my dad. And if I'm not your sister I'm adopted and why would dad's best friend care about me this much?"

"What are you saying?"

"What if I'm really not Potter but Black?"

My whole life was a big lie. I can't believe it. Harry's not my brother? I don't understand single thing.

"There's only one way to find out"he told me

We decided to sneak out to come home. Tomorrow we have classes but we didn't care. We used teleport spell and appeared at our front door holding hands.

"Harry? Jackie? What are you doing here you are supposed to be in Hogwarts. Why aren't you in school?"mom asked

Well I mean Harry's mom.

"Am I Potter? I want to you to tell me the truth" I told her

"Why are you asking"

"Yes or no?"

She was looking at me with soft eyes.

"I think you know the answer Jackie"

My heart stopped beating for a second. I can't believe it.

"I'm Black or am I not? Sirius is my father"

"Yes" she said with cracking voice

"I want to know whole story"

Harry and I were still holding eachother hands.

"When I was pregnant with Harry and our another baby Valerie Sirius and his girlfriend were pregnant with you Jackie. Your mom died when she gave birth. It was miracle you survived. It was very difficult labor. You were born same day as Harry and Valerie. Unfortunately Valerie died three hours after she was born. Sirius was heartbroken. He told us he can't raise you alone. He was afraid you wouldn't be safe with him. He wanted you to have happy life. So he told us he wants us to adopt you. Your name isn't Jacklyn but Jacqueline we changed your name because your mom was Jacqueline too and it was hurting Sirius to here it. You look just like her"

"So I'm really not your daughter"

"No. I'm sorry sweetie. But you were always like a real daughter to us"

"I need to talk to dad"

"Jackie he's at work you know that"

"She didn't mean my dad. She meant HER dad" Harry said

"Alright. I'll call him"

Half an hour later Sirius came.

"Ohh honey. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way"

I didn't care if he lied to me. I ran to hug him. He's my dad. He always like my dad. Now the only thing I'm sad about is that Harry isn't my real brother. We were always fighting but I always loved my brother even tho he isn't my real brother.

"I don't care about it dad"

"You just called me dad?"

"Well you are my dad"

We all talked for a while and then and and Harry left. We came back to Hogwarts with spell.

We were in Gryffindor common room with Hermione  Pansy Matheo all Weasleys and all of our friends. We told them about what we found out.

"So you're not really twins? I would swear you guys are like real siblings" Ron said

"Nope. I'm not Jackie Potter. I'm Jacqueline Black. But it doesn't really change things Sirius Black was always father figure in my life. And Harry will always be like my annoying brother. And Lilly will always be like a mom to me. Only thing that changes is my name"

"So I can't call you Potter anymore?" Matheo said from the corner of the room

"I'm not sure. I don't want to lose name Potter I'm used to it"

"Then be Jacqueline Potter Black since you're adopted we still can have same last name" Harry said smiling

"It's not bad idea"

"Don't get used to that too. In few years it's gonna change to Riddle too" Harry whispered quietly and I gently hit his head play fighting

Jacqueline Potter Black. It sounds good to me.

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