Chapter 17

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I woke up at the Malfoy manor. I was in room all alone with Bellatrix and two men. She was smiling and laughing like a maniac.

"My niece. We have finally met after sixteen years. Oh... What a pity we didn't spend Christmas together my dear. Oh what a pity" she was laughing

"Yeah I have same opinion. I love to see you too Bellatrix but I believe you don't want to waste time by crying about fact you haven't met you're awesome niece sooner. Is there a specific reason you wanted to arrange this family reunion with me tied to the chair dear aunt?"

"You're just like your parents. They were both rude and useless and..."

"You mean really useless or you meant useless the same way you think that brushing your hair and teeth is useless?"


"Yeah I think I see the reason we haven't met before. Kinda sad"

"Your father married a Muggle! You're not real black. Only from a part and your father will pay for his betray"

"And you should pay for good dentist"

"Shut up! You little filthy stupid shame of this family!"

"The same shame that you can't afford taking care about your looks?"

" Enough with words. You'll feel endless pain but before I'd like to show you something. Do you want to know how I knew where you were and how I knew it was you? Well look yourself "

The door opened and Matheo, Tom, Pansy, Draco, Lorenzo, Blaise and Theodore were standing there with their heads down expect for Enzo. Now I understand what they were talking about. They talked about me. They were supposed kill me. Everyone except Enzo was trying their best not to cry.

"You? Why?" I felt tears on my left cheek

I felt betrayed. Suddenly I was tied anymore and two men grabbed my arms and they were dragging me away. I was kicking my foots in the air and screaming as loud as I could. I didn't stop screaming. I saw how a tears were rolling from their eyes. I can't believe my own friends I was thinking were my family did this to me. I was still screaming until they took me to another room.

 Bellatrix started torturing me. It was unbelievable pain and I was thinking I'm about to dye.  

She was laughing and she didn't stop even after I was covered in blood. I was still holding on and tried to stay strong. After some time she stopped. She slapped me and left alone. I could swear she wrote something on my arm with wand. I was feeling really bad. I cant catch my breath.  I was laying on the ground not moving at all. I had to at least try to save myself. I grabbed my wand and I tried my best to shift back to Hogwarts.

I was in hall walking and crawling to hospital wing. I was feeling that my end might be closer than ever before. But I cant give up. Not now. Not ever. I was right in front of hospital wing when I felt someones hands on me and then everything went black.

I opened my eyes and I was in bed in hospital. I had bandages on my arms head and legs. My left arm and right ankle wee broken just like my ribs. My whole body was in fire and I could barely breath. Oliver was sitting next to me.

"Thank god youre awake. I was so worried about you. What happened?"

"Lets just say I was at family reunion. And that my friends are betraying rats"

" Wait what? What family reunion? You mean Bellatrix? Did she do this you? And what about your frieds? Why are they betraying rats?"

"Guess how Bellatrix knew it was me even when I dyed my hair"

"They told her about it all?"

"Yeah they did. Matheo is the one that told me to run to my dorm. He was even crying. He called me love. Even said he loves me"

"That lying bastard. I hope you didnt belive him. Just look what happened and they are the ones who put in danger and risked your life. I wont let them near you again. Youre safe with me"

I hated the words he said but I knew it was truth. Thats why it hurts even more.

Two days passed and my injuries were getting better. My ribs and ankle were healed already but my arm was still hurting even tho its not broken anymore. I had few smal cuts on me like on my cheek, lips and on my legs and hands. I was ready to go back to my dorm. We still couldnt leave our dorms because Bellatrix is still free. I kinda miss potion classes where I could argue with Snape.

When I stepped into my dorm Hermione and Ginny ran to hug me. I still ki da hate Ginny but our relationship is less violent I guess. 

"Oh my god! I missed you so much. Are you okay? Oliver told us what happened"Hermione said with tears in her eyes

"Yes Im okay"

Suddenly door was oped with loud noise and I saw my brother.

"Oh my fucking god Jackie! Dont you ever scare me like that before! I was so scared. Please stop putting your ass in all that danger"

He hugged me tight I aslmost felt my ribs are begginning to break again.

"I missed you too but I cant breath"

He let go and placed kiss on my forehead and it made loud noise that made me roll my eyes.

"If I will see them again they are dead" Oliver said leaning against doorway

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