Chapters 13

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"Hey guys"I greeted Pansy Matheo Tom Theodore Blaise Draco and Enzo

I sat next to Matheo and he decided to pull me to sit on his lap. I was looking in his brown eyes that were different than before. This time they were hungry and cold. While others weren't paying attention he was looking at me and undressing me. I was looking at him with cold eyes not showing any emotion. He had his hand on my waist and my thigh. His fingers were in the holes of fishnets I was wearing. I felt eyes on me that didn't belong to Matheo. I looked to my left and saw Enzo on other sofa looking at me with a mischief in his eyes. Fuck. I fucked up. I like Oliver, Matheo wants to be more than friends as I can see from his actions and Enzo is a boy you shouldn't let go. This is really fucked up. I wanted to run away but I didn't. Suddenly I felt something underneath me. Fuck. This is the last thing I needed. Stupid idiot. Can't he stop being horny for one second? 

"I'm gonna catch cold if you won't stop undressing me with your eyes like this" I whispered to Matheo as quiet as possible

"Don't worry about it. My body will warm you up"he whispered back with a smirk on his face

Heaven help me. If this boy won't end up in bed with me I'll thank god for the rest of my life.

We were sitting here for maybe an hour and then I came back to my dorm and went to dinner.

Professor Dumbledore told us that for our safety we should stay in our dorms whole week because some death eater got out of Azkaban and dementors are out there.

"I can't believe it. Like this is the safest place for wizards right? This should not be happening here"Hermione was telling me on our way back

"Yeah well good luck with keeping me in my dorm"I was protesting to Hermione

"Why? Are going to see your boyfriend?"


"Matheo of course"

"No. I mean yes. I mean he's my friend. And I also want to see Pansy and boys"

"Sure"she said laughing not believing my words

When we arrived to our dorm I was too tired to argue with Ginny tonight so I just went straight to bed. 

Next morning I went to my wardrobe and picked out Dark washed baggy cargo jeans my flannel shirt and black crop tee. I had my outfit but I had not clue what to do with my hair. I didn't like my ginger hair. I wish I could change my hair colour but my parents won't allow that. I mean my adoptive parents but maybe my real father would like that idea. What a pity I have to keep as a secret even tho my friends know about it. Wait! I have great idea.

I just did quick low pigtails and I rushed to find Harry. Since we have week off we would be in common room or his dorm. I found him in his dorm with Ron and Hermione. Sun rays were entering the room and whole room wash bathing in golden light. It almost made me blind.

"Alright everyone except my brother out"I told them

"Let's go Ron "Hermione pulled Ron out of his room

"He's not even your real brother"Ron said pissed off

If look could kill he would be dead by my staring. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"So? At least not annoying like you"

"So what's up?"Harry said when they finally left

"Bellatrix knows that I'm red head right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I found the easiest solution ever. I'll just dye my hair"

He was looking confused for a minute.

"God. You're genius. Your name is still Potter since there wasn't time to change it to Black. That could work and she doesn't know that you're going to this school so she won't find you. You're brilliant!"

"I know right. Okay I have to go now but please don't tell anyone I'm leaving to Pansy's dorm"

"Alright I'll cover you"


I left to Slytherin common room and I saw Matheo and Enzo talking about something and they were looking kinda pissed but when they saw me they smiled and stopped arguing.

"Hello Jackie" Enzo said kissing my hand

"Wassup Potter" Matheo said throwing me over his shoulder

"Hey put me down. I'll send a curse on you if don't"

He took me to armchair and then he put me in in. He is was sitting in the one next to it. Enzo was sitting in a sofa that was next to armchairs.

"So tell me Potter why are here when we're not supposed to further than our common rooms?"

"Wanted to see my friends"I answered Matheo's question

"Alright then. And one thing. Today you look hot as hell"

I laughed at him and grabbed his chin.

"Nah, stop it Riddle""I said putting my tongue against my teeth and then I pushed him away

"That's not how you treat a lady Matheo"Enzo told him

"She's not a lady. She's my buddy"Matheo said smirking

"And since when are flirting with your buddies? Or kissing them?"I asked out of curiosity

"Since you're totally fine"

"Well I can't fight with facts"

Enzo just laughed at us. I can feel him trying to get in my head. I let him this time. Just to see what happens. With help of his telepathy he said something that isn't allowed to say out loud to anyone. The only thing I can say about it? It was impressive. And hot.

"So Jackie why don't we get to know each other better?"Enzo suggested

"Sure Enzo. Why not? "

We went to his dorm. His dorm was right next to Matheo's. We talked for two hours and he is really nice and sweet and well raised boy. He was too good to exist. Suddenly I was thinking about Matheo again. We left him all alone in common room. Whatever. I was never a nice person. Maybe sometimes. But never too nice.

"Alright I think I'll check Matheo"

"Okay. Well goodbye then my dear" he kissed my hand goodbye again

Like aren't his lips sore from that much kissing?

I went downstairs to see if Matheo's still here. He wasn't. Well of course it's been two hours. I went to his dorm he was here withh all of his roommates. They were talking about someone and they were arguing in form of whispering but the only thing I heard was that they can't let someone do something. I don't know who wants to do something they can't let happen but I didn't really care. They were all sitting on their beds. I came in without knocking and I just sat down on Matheo's bed.

"Sup angel"I told him

"Hey there honey. Since when are you calling me angel?"

"Since when you're calling me honey"

"Nah honey doesn't even suit you"

"Then tell me what does suit me"

"Devil, flame, siren, Satan, snake everything dark, magnetic and cold. But especially flame suit you cause you have this fire hair. And you've got fire in your soul"

"Ah. So you're calling me Flame? Well okay angel"

He was resting head against headboard I was sitting on him and I grabbed his neck gently. I was smirking and showing my teeth and my tongue against them. I started kissing him and he placed his hands on my waist. I heard loud laugh and cheering in the background. I turned around to see Draco and Tom crying from pure joy and Theodore and Blaise screaming and cheering. I didn't care about it. I continued kissing Matheo and he did the same. He was tracing my body with his hands. I started to kiss his chin. When I looked at Matheo his chin and neck were covered in purple, red and black marks. Oops. My bad.

Suddenly I heard a knock on open doors I turned around and I almost got a heart attack.

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