Chapter 24

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"And...done! So? What do you say?" Sheila asked me when she was done with my hair.

I finally have my fire hair back. She also added layers. I love it.

"You're incredible Sheila. Thank you so much"

"You're welcome girl. I love spending time with you. And I want to say that I'm sorry I wasn't talking to you more. But I wanted to keep both of us safe. I didn't want you to fall into the same addition I did and I was afraid they would find me through you. You know I love you right? Don't worry. Now it's safe. We can finally see each other more. Way more. And if you would want to I'd like to make you godmother of my baby "

"Oh my god. Shit Sheila are you fucking serious? Yes! Of course I would love to. And of course I understand why you were living in distance"

"Oh and I almost forgot. If Matheo will ever hurt you don't forget my man knows how to deal with people trash"

"Yeah no don't worry. Remember one thing I'm still best fighter just like when we were kids"

"Don't worry I still remember when you were ten and you knocked that kid on your street out. He was definitely asking for it"

I giggled and looked at the watch. It was almost five o'clock. We talked for a long time and it's getting late. I should go.

"I loved to see you but I should go know. I don't want to have more troubles in school. I already have enough of it "

"I get it girl. See you later. I'm gonna miss you"

"I'll miss you too. Tell Francis I say hello"

"I will. Bye Jackie"

"Bye Sheila" I said went back to Hogwarts

Now in my dorm I changed into white dress with black double row belt. I let my fishnets on and I added black oversized zip up hoodie.

"Hey Jackie. What's up with your hair?" Hermione asked when she finally woke up

"Well what can I say? I missed the red hair"

"It really suits you. You went to Sheila didn't you?"

"Yeah I did"

"How is she doing?"

"She's pregnant with Francisco he even wanted her to marry him. She's clean for almost two years"

"That's good. I'll take a quick shower and we can go for breakfast"


When she got out of the shower she was wearing Flare jeans and red sweater. Her fark curls were tamed into high ponytail and I noticed she put on little bit of mascara and lip gloss.

"Ready to go?"I asked 


We arrived to great hall and since it was only 7:30 AM there weren't many people.

 I noticed that there are few new students. Three of them were girl and two were boys. Two girls had dark brown hair almost black. Their skins were slightly brown. One of them skinny and tall with green eyes and the other one was skinny little bit shorter and she had dark brown eyes. They looked kinda like Hispanics. Third girl had blonde hair and big blue eyes. Boys were tall and one them was blonde with brown eyes and the other one was pale brunette with emerald green eyes. They all looked like they just escaped from fairytale. That's how pretty they are.

"Hey do you know the new kids?"I asked Hermione

"Not at all" was her answer

Suddenly professor McGonagall stood up and announced that we have new students. They're all from Europe. The sorting hat was about to choose their houses.

"Svetlana Bending" professor said

"It's Bendig. It's pronounced with the ď instead of d" said the brunette girl with green eyes

"Mmmm. Youre surely are brave. There's no doubt about that. You're very ambitious and clever also. You don't have problem with little fighting and talking back..hmmm. I would say... Slytherin!"said the sorting hat

"Next. Simona Novak"

"It's Novak just like it's written. Not Nouvak"said the blonde girl confidently but still very polite

"Hmmm. You have a big heart but very smart mouth. Your confidence is walking side by side with you everywhere. Gryffindor!"

"Next. Daniel Novak"

"Excuse me miss you misspelled it. It's pronounced D-a-ň-j-e-l. Not D-e-n-i-e-l"said the blond boy

"Let's see. You are truly a gentleman. Your IQ is bigger than your height. You're very smart and strong boy. You're also not afraid of nothing. That's interesting. I think ... Slytherin!"

"Next. Júlia Bikar. Please tell me I spelled it correctly"

"Yes miss. That's correct"said short brunette 

"Hmm. Very interesting.... You have golden heart and also big courage. Your brain is your best friend. Well this one's difficult. Let's put you in Ravenclaw "

"And lastly Michael Novotny "

"It's not pronounced like that"said Simona

"Quiet Simona! From now on I'm not Michael but Majkl okay? It's M A J K L"

Weird names.

Sorting hat barely touched his head when it shouted Gryffindor.

"You five should go to your own tables to eat breakfast but since it's your first day and the school is in lockdown you can sit together for this day. After breakfast come to my office and someone from each house will guide you to your dorms and will give you your uniform " McGonagall said

"Professors McGonagall! Of you wouldn't mind me Hermione and my friends could take them to their dorms since my friends are in the same house as they are" I said as I was trying t catch up with her

"That's great idea miss potter. Five points to Gryffindor for your clever idea"

I went back to Hermione and told her about it all.

"And since when you're nice to new kid? Didn't tha last new kid try to kill you and sell you to your crazy aunt?"

"Come on. I'm not that mean. I want to work a little on my personality. Well at least we'll make new friends"

"I guess you're right" she sighed 

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