The Bet

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Third person pov:

"I swear I could get anyone to fall for me, right here right now." Jeff said as he was standing by the cafeteria entrance with Bright, arms crossed and a smirk playing on his face. 

"Oh yeah? Then get him to fall for you." Bright responded as he pointed at a random guy that was walking by. Jeff scoffed.

"Ok, easy." he said as he immediately followed after the guy.

"Hey there, cutie. Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got fine written all over you." Jeff smirked at the boy who just looked back at him confused.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You lookin' pretty good, I don't remember your name, so can I just call you mine?"

"But I never told you my name?" The boy just looked more confused with each passing second.

"Why don't you tell me then, pretty boy." Jeff said as he winked.

"It's Barcode. Listen, my friends are waiting for me, so I'm just going to go." The shorter male said as he shook his head and walked away. Jeff just stood there for a second, trying to process how his incredible flirting skills didn't work, and slowly walked back to Bright who was laughing at him.

"Oh, that was just so great. I can't believe he said no!" Bright let out between laughs.

"I know right!" Jeff shook his head, "I totally thought that would work!"

Bright stared open mouthed at Jeff, mentally facepalming himself. Why am I friends with this idiot.

"Well it looks like you lost that bet, you owe me." Bright said, he didn't have the brainpower to try and help this kid see reality.

"NO! I will make him fall for me, give me until the end of the month, and I promise you he'll be head over heels for me." Jeff jabbed his finger at Bright aggressively.

"You know, this sounds interesting, so why not. If you fail you owe me $500."

"And if I win, you owe me free meals for the rest of the year."

Bright just rolled his eyes. He shook Jeff's hand, and then watched Jeff walk away towards the food. Bright was about to go follow him, but then felt someone grab his wrist and was dragged outside.

"What the hell man!?" Bright said when he was let go. He didn't recognize the boy before him, and was just confused by what this boy could possibly want with him.

"Seriously? Making a bet to win my friend? What are you? Five?" The boy said with what Bright figured was supposed to be an angry face.

"What are you going to do? Tell on me?" Bright almost laughed at him.

"Leave my friend alone." the boy said in a lower tone and took a step closer to him, trying to intimidate him.

Bright smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you make me?" as he shoved the boy's shoulder playfully.

"I'm going to tell my friend everything I just heard, and then your stupid little game won't work."

Bright's eyes narrowed, and he inhaled sharply, "Do that and see what I do to you." He took one more quick scan of the boy before walking away to his next class. On his way, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, I need you to find information on someone for me."

There was silence and then, "consider it done."

* * *

Barcode sat down at his table, and let out a loud sigh. All his friends look up at him from their food.

"What's wrong?" Seobin asked, looking concerned for his friend.

"The weirdest thing just happened! Some strange guy came up to me and was saying weird things? He called me a parking ticket, and said he wanted to call me mine? Why would someone say such things?"

Jake and Jiwoong just glanced at each other, knowing exactly what he was saying, but not sure how to explain it to their innocent little angel.

"Well, umm, how do I explain this to you.." Jiwoong started.

Inyeop who had been listening butted in, "Well easy. So basically this guy is down bad for y-"

"He was probably just friendly flirting with you, that's all. Nothing to worry about." Jake cut off Inyeop.

Barcode tilted his head at them, processing what they said.

"Really? You think so? Now I feel bad for leaving him earlier." he said frowning and picked at the food on his plate.

"Believe me, he's doing perfectly fine," A voice said coldly, as they stood behind Inyeop.

"Win, what took you so long? Normally you beat me." Barcode said, giving him sad puppy eyes.

"Oh I was just dealing with something, don't worry about it." The tall male responded, giving them his signature bunny smile.

Jake side eyed him, not fully believing Win, before getting up to leave.

"Wait, Jake, I need to talk to you!" Win said and chased after him.

Jake slowed down, for the boy to catch up to him and they both walked off towards Jake's class.
The rest of their friends just watched as they left before Barcode, who had still been thinking about the stranger vocalized his thoughts, "should I go find him?"

"Uhm what?" Seobin asked.

"The stranger?"

"Yes, go get that man-" Inyeop didn't even finish his sentence before he was cut of once more.

"NO! Stranger danger," Jiwoong possessively shouted.

Inyeop frowned at Jiwoong, who was not being very supportive of the possibility of Barcode's future love life. He opened his mouth to retaliate against Jiwoong but before he could Jiwoong sent him a sharp glare. Pouting, he returned to his food, shoving fried rice into his mouth angrily.

* * *

"So you wanted to join Yearbook Club?" Win asked Jake after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, are you still going to join with me?"

"I'm not sure, it depends on who is in it." Win scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Jake nodded.

"So why exactly did you follow me?"

Win contemplated whether to tell Jake or not about earlier, and before he even realized they were outside Jake's class. He was about to say something, but then something inside the classroom caught his attention. He looked over to see the jerk from earlier.

"Oh shit, I gotta go."

"What, why?" Jake asked, as his friend started to rush off.

"I just, I remembered I forgot to do something. I, uh, I just gotta go!" he ran off down the hall.

Jake just stared at the retreating figure for a few seconds, wondering what the hell was going on with him.

When he walked inside, he sat down before a figure came up to him, but didn't say anything. Just stood there for a few seconds staring at him.

"Do you need something?" Jake asked flatly.

"That guy.."


"Who was he?"

"Why do you need to know that? Why do you care?" Jake defensively responded back.

"Just tell me his name."

"No, I'm not going to do that." Jake said and stood up to try and match the boys height.

The boy sighed, "My friend has a crush on him, but he won't tell me his name, so can you please just tell me."

Jake looked him up and down, before nodding slowly.

"His name's Win."

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