Code Red

17 3 0

3rd POV:

Win was in his Clothing Design 101, drawing some new ideas to make into clothes. He was partway through his sketch of a coat, when the bell rang, and so he slowly packed, and went to go meet his friends in the cafeteria.

He was making his way towards the entrance, when he notice a huge crowd of people nearby, talking really loudly, and almost yelling at someone.

Curious, he walked over, and noticed that someone had posted some photos all over one of the schools bulletin boards. As he got closer, he slowly recognized who the two people were, and he was shocked.

It was photos of Jake and Sunghoon together, which surprised him, because he didn't even realize they hung out together. But not only that, but they looked very close in the pictures.

When got there, he spotted Jake in the crowd of girls, with his head down and his hood pulled up, well they continued to berrad him.

"Jake? Are you alright? What's going on?" Win said confused.

Jake didn't respond, only slightly looking up at Win, with an unreadable expression.

Before Win could say something again, suddenly a crumpled up napkin was thrown at Jake, hitting him on the side of the head.

"HEY! WHO THREW THAT!" Win shouted, well looking around at all the girls.

With no hesitation, one girl threw her hand in the air.

"I did."

"Well, you shouldn't do that! Thats really mean! He didn't do anything to you!"

"Excuse me," another girl spoke up, "Yes he did, HE LITERALLY STOLE OUR MAN FROM US! NO ONE GAVE HIM PERMISSION FOR THAT, HE IS OURS!"

"What's going on here?" A voice says from the back, and everyone parts so they can see who was speaking.

Inyeop stood there, confused, and walked forward, with Barcode, Jiwoong and Seobin trailing behind him.

"These girls are bullying our poor Jake for no reason! They even are throwing things at him!" Win exclaimed.

Inyeop raised his eyebrow at the girls, and crossed his arms when he reached his friends. He turned to look at the girls crowded around.

"Why are you guys doing this?"

One girl stepped forward from behind some of the others, who looked very nervous.

"We have to, he's stealing Sunghoon Oppa away from us!" She pointed over at the pictures on the bulletin board. "Look at that! He's literally seducing him right there!"

Inyeop turns to look at the pictures, and his eyes widened slightly, before glancing over at Jake, who just looked back at him sadly. He sighed, before walking up to the board, and proceeding to start ripping down the pictures, and after a few seconds, Win and the others joined him in taking them down, with the girls and Jake just watching.

After a few seconds, Inyeop takes one of the photos he ripped off the wall, and turns to look at the girls angrily.

"I better not hear any of this bullshit again, you got that?! Now all of you get the hell out of here!" He stared glaring at them.

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