Side Story: Minho & Jisung

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Minho's POV:

I was sitting on a bench, still just processing everything that just happened, when I noticed Yunho walking back over to me. He sat down next to me, and didn't say anything for a minute.

"I'm sorry about all of that. I don't know what's going on with him, but I promise he didn't mean to say all of that."

"What.. what did he mean with what he said? Is it true?" I said quietly.

Yunho sighed. ".. Yeah. It's true."

I turned to look at him. "Can you explain please? Tell me what is going on exactly?"

Yunho nodded slowly, and thought for a second before speaking. "A few weeks ago Bright had come over to us, pretty excited, and we wanted to know what was up with him. So he told us. How he had hooked up with Win, and how he was pretty sure they were going to become something. I know they've been seeing each other somewhat since then, but I don't know how much, or what they've been doing."

"I guess.. I guess I'm not really hurt by it. I don't really care in a way."

Yunho looked back at me a little confused, so I continued.

"I'll admit that I've never really been very into the people I've dated, although that is probably pretty obvious. I just, this has never happened to me before, so I don't really know how to take it. No one has ever cheated on me. I don't really know how to take it."

"Wait, so you're not angry at the fact Win cheated on you with Bright?" Yunho asked, still confused.

"Honestly, no, I'm not." I shrugged.

"Not even a little?"

I thought to myself for a moment, and then sighed. "No, not even a little bit."

Yunho nodded looking away from me and instead looked at the sky, "Are you going to confront Win?"

"I don't know. Probably not, I don't know if I care enough about it. I don't think it is worth my energy. I will most likely just dump him."

"Can I ask you something really personal?" Yunho asked me, still staring at the sky.

"I guess. What is it?"

"Why do you date so many people?"

I hadn't been expecting that question at all. Yes, I knew a lot of people thought of me as the school playboy and that a lot of people questioned why I did the things I did. But no one had really asked me directly.

"Are you afraid of commitment or something?" Yunho asked me another question, probably having noticed me hesitating.

"Commitment as a general concept, no." I said, turning to look at the sky as well, "But when it involves this one person, yes."

"So, if you don't like commitment with one person, why do you get in relationships then? Have you ever even liked anyone? Or is it just the fear making your relationships end?"

"I've liked this person for the longest time, but I'm afraid I will hurt them. That I will lose what I have with them currently..."

Yunho finally looked over at me. "Are you talking about Jisung?"

I looked at him, wide eyed. "H-how do you know? Who told you? Did you hack me too?"

"Nah, it's kind of obvious. At the bar you kept staring at him well you were talking with Win. Plus, you are always protecting and helping him out when he needs it."

"You noticed all that? I thought I was being discreet..." I said surprised.

A thought then crossed my mind, "Wait! You think Jisung knows then?!"

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