Dangerous Games

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The next couples of weeks, Win and Minho had been going on a handful of dates. Win enjoyed them all, mostly because, he was going out with the Minho. All the dates seemed to go by nice, they only did casual things, like going to different restaurants, or going to see some movies. The only thing, is that after their 3rd or 4th date, Win had noticed something.
More like he noticed him.
That one jerk.
He swore the boy would be somewhere on every date he went to, lurking nearby, sometimes hidden, sometimes sitting right next to them, or at least fairly close to them.
It took him a few encounters to remember the other guys name, Bright.
At first everytime he saw him, he would just be pissed off and annoyed. Why was this weird guy following him around everywhere? They had nothing to do with each other anymore, because he had started to get over the whole Barcode situation, seeing how the two actually seemed genuinely happy together.
It felt like he was being stalked by the guy.
Eventually though, he didn't really mind anymore. It felt like a game on every date, trying to spot him out in whatever place they were, and then sometimes he would even smile at him.
The first time Bright had smiled back, he'd almost choked on his water. A bit weirded out. Now, however, it was kinda...hot? Yeah. It was hot.
The game was dangerous too in a way. They'd gotten to the point where they would send each other subtle signals, and Win would be too into it that he would forget that Minho was talking to him.
Right now was one of those moments. He was at a mall with Minho, and he had been walking around with him, until they stopped at a shoe store. Like always, Bright was nearby, and they had been playing their usual little game of sending different signals to each other, when Minho spoke to him.
"Win? Are you listening to me?"
"Oh yeah, totally."
"So then you made a decision?"
"On what again?"
Minho sighed and shook his head at him.
"On which color suits me better?" Minho said well pointing at the shoes on the floor.
"Oh, yeah, umm, the red ones." Win said before glancing at Bright quickly.
"Win. There are no red shoes. Are you even paying any attention to me?" Minho frowned.
"Oh. Well..." He looked down at the shoes, and saw the 5 pairs sitting there. He just looked at them, did a little eenie meenie miny moe, and picked one. "The gray ones."
Minho nodded, and packed up the shoes he didn't want, and put them back. In the end, he picked the blue ones. He didn't know why he even bothered to ask Win, or why he was here with him, the boy was always so distracted when they were together.
As Minho paid for the shoes, Win looked around for Bright, only to see him talking to some girl. He frowned, and turned back to Minho, now slightly upset.
They left the shop, and made their way to a nearby clothing store, and Win found some new striped shirts and bought them. As they made their way out, he saw Bright again, still with that same girl. Why is he with her? Is she interesting or something? He doubted that, he was far better than her.
Wait, no, were they on a date?
Bright looked over at him, and Win just rolled his eyes and looked back.
Minho and Win went to get some drinks, and sat down at a table.
"Win are you alright? You seem pretty annoyed right now."
"O-oh, no! I'm fine! I'm doing just dandy!" Win gave him an awkward looking smile.
Minho raised an eyebrow at him, but just shook his head and let it go.
"Well, is there any store you still want to go to, or are you ready to head out now?"
"Maybe we could just walk around for a tiny bit, and then go?"
Minho nodded, and they finished their drinks before getting up.
For the first time in a little while, Win felt content just hanging out with Minho. He actually had all of his attention on him, and was paying attention. He forgot how funny the guy was.
After a few minutes of walking, Win realized he must have drank too much, because he needed to use the bathroom, badly.
"Hey Minho, I'll be right back ok? I just need to use the restroom."
"Oh, ok. I'll just be on this bench over here." he said, as he starting walking towards a bench not too far away.
Win hurried and rushed to use the bathroom.
When he was done, he washed his hands, and was about to leave, before someone stopped him.

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