Helpy & Goodbyes

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3rd Pov:

Bright was at home, well just lying on the couch watching a rom-com, and eating some ramen when Eunwoo walked in.

"So what happened?" Bright asked, still looking at the tv.

"You were right, they were there. I drove past their car, and when I looked in they had like a bag of materials. They were definitely planning something sketchy."

"I figured. What about the CEO, did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, I figured out a lot. Dude was an open book."

"Shoot, then."

"Well, apparently his daughter is Choi Mina, you know the model, yeah well she was supposed to marry Sunghoon. Their parents decided this or something, and he was not happy about the pictures he saw, which some person who works for him took."

"That's it?"

"No, I know he's going to try and ruin Jake's life now. Quote unquote 'I will break him slowly for trying to mess with the Choi family.'"

"Oh, damn. That's crazy."

"He also said he was going to destroy his friends and family."

Bright sat up, and finally turned to look at Eunwoo.


Bright immediately stood up after, "Oh hell nah, that grandpa can go kill himself, before I do."

"Are you ok bro?" Eunwoo side eyed him.

"Give me your phone."

"Why? You got your own."

"Give. Me. Your. Phone."
Eunwoo sighed before handing his phone over to Bright. He watched as Bright dialed some number.

"Hey, it's me again, I got a new task for you." He heard Bright say.

There was a pause of silence and then, "What do you mean you're still working on the first task?!"

Another pause of silence.

"Screw you man, I'll just do this myself!"

Eunwoo raised his eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"You're wealthy and powerful right?"

"Yes... why?"

"What rank are you?"

"Fifth.. again, why?"

"Great. It's time Yunho gets in touch with his hacking skills again."

* * *

Jake was walking aimlessly down the city street, listening to his music, feeling every note in his body, connecting with the lyrics. He was listening to "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" while trying to hold in some tears.

He walked by some girls, and heard them mumbling to themselves, "Isn't he guy from the photos..?"

He sighed, and pulled his hood up, before running down the street, not knowing where his feet were taking him, but just kept going. When he came to a halt, he realized were he was. He was back at the place he and Sunghoon took their pictures together.

But the thing is, there was already someone there.

"I had a feeling you'd come here."

Jake's eyes started to water, with who it was, and was about to turn around and leave, when Sunghoon spoke up.

"Please don't go."

There was a hint of sadness in his tone, like he was torn apart too by this, but there was something tender within that sadness. Almost like hope.

And Jake couldn't stop the tears, he couldn't stop the full blown sobs that escaped his lips, as he brought his hands to his chest, to his heart, and clutched his sweater tightly there as he gently fell to his knees, looking up at Sunghoon, who looked back at him, lips trembling, eyes watery, as he walked towards Jake in slow motions.

"I'm sorry," he said after a couple of seconds, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

He was kneeling in front of Jake now, hands on Jake's cheeks, caressing the male gently, "it's all my fault."

Jake cried harder at that, because it wasn't, it hadn't been. But he couldn't say anything.

"I shouldn't have gotten you into this mess, I'm sorry."

Sunghoon was crying now too, the tears falling down onto the pavement, as he tried to wipe Jake's own tears with his thumbs.

Finally, Jake was able to calm himself a little down, take a breath and steady his breathing, "no, no it's not-"

"I'm leaving."


"My parents, they want me back home," Sunghoon looked at him sadly, "I haven't told anyone else this. I just wanted to tell you."

"Please don't go," Jake's voice cracked slightly, "if this is because of the pictures I can fix it, please!" He was about to go on a rant, his heartbeat increasing quickly, saddened at the thought of Sunghoon not being around, "please I swear-"

"I love you,"

Jake's brain short circuited and before he knew it he felt a pair of lips on his own.

* * *

Bright and Eunwoo showed up at Yunho and Mingi's dorm, ready to get him to start their plan.

"You need me to what? Why should I do that? It has nothing to do with me." Yunho rolled his eyes, after Bright informed him of how he needed to dig up dirt on the T&O CEO.

"Because, I'm telling you to. Also, he's going to start going after Jake's friends, and this could very well end up impacting us."

"Ohh, I see, more like you want to protect that little Winter guy or whatever his name was."

"Just do it please."

"Fine, fine. I'll do it."

Yunho pulled out his laptop, and quickly started to find out as much as he could about the guy. It was starting to become a difficult task, as most of the info on him was heavily blocked, and even with his hacking skills he was having trouble.

"Oh, why don't you just click that little helper button. I always use him! Helpy!" Mingi said, as he was sitting behind Yunho watching him.

"What? What are you even talking about? Just go back to eating your chicken." Yunho sighed.

"You almost done?" Bright said, a little impatient.

"Yeah yeah, chill, this takes some time man. I'm almost there."

After a few more minutes, and Mingi talking to Eunwoo and Bright about some weird tv show he was watching, Yunho smiled and looked up from his computer.

"I've found it."

Bright stared at the screen for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

"This is definitely going to work. I don't know how you found this, but there's no way they want this to get out."

"Perfect. I'll print this all out then, and give you a USB."

"Did you use helpy? Like I said?" Mingi asked with puppy eyes.

"Yes... I used 'helpy'."

Yunho plugged in his USB, and quickly downloaded everything onto it. As soon as it was done, he shoved it into Bright's hand, and also gave him the papers he had printed out.

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Hmm.. No, this is probably it."

"Ok, great. Now get out!" Yunho gave them a sarcastic smile, and started pushing them out the door.

"Hey what! Excuse me!"

"You interrupted my perfect evening, and I don't appreciate that. Now that I am no longer needed, you can go!"

Before Eunwoo and Bright said anything further, they were pushed all the way out, and the door slammed shut.

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