Romeo and Juliet

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3rd pov:

"Excuse me, what are you doing here? You do not have access to be at this location, please leave before we use force." One of the security guards said as they all approached the gated entrance.

"Don't worry, I got this guys." Eunwoo said as he walked to the front of the group. "I'm sure you know who I am."

"Ah, Mr. Cha! Of course, come in, come in." The guard opened the gate, and let only him in. "Now the rest of you, please leave."

"Oh, I think there is a misunderstanding, they are actually with me."

The security glanced back and forth between the 8 boys standing there, and Eunwoo, unsure whether this was a prank or not.

"Well, we usually only allow 2 guests per person…"

"Oh it's ok! I'm here too!" Barcode stepped forward.

"Um, who are you?"

Barcode gave them a shocked look, "What do you mean? I'm Barcode Tinnasit!"

The guard facepalmed. "Of course, I am so sorry Mr. Tinnasit!"

Barcode smiled as he was let in next to Eunwoo.

"You still have three extra people though.."

"Can't you make an acception just this once? We are on a mission here." Win gave the guy puppy eyes.

The guard side eyed him, before thinking for a moment.

"Let me make a quick phone call." The guard said.

They all nodded, and the guy walked back into his little booth.

"This plan was really, really dumb." Jake said.

"Hey! It's working, what do you mean?" Win said confused.
Jake just shook his head.

The guard came back, "Ok, so three of you will have to go home, we truly apologize."

"Well crap," Bright muttered, "Fine, I'll stay back with Jiwoong and Seobin."

"EXCUSE ME???" Seobin shrieked, "I deserve lobster right now!"

"Hush you idiot," Bright lightly slapped Seobin on the head, "we sneaking in guys."

"Wah! You're such a genius," Jiwoong gave Bright a thumbs up.

"Anyways, we'll be going now guys!" Bright smiled to the rest of the group.

The guard nodded, and let the rest of them inside. They slowly made their way to the entrance, and walked in without knocking.

As they entered, Win's mouth dropped open from how fancy the place was.

"What the-!"

Just then, two figures walked down the stairs towards them.

"Quick, you go find Sunghoon! We will distract them!" Eunwoo said, well pushing Jake towards the hallway towards their right.

"I don't even know where his room is!"

"It's ok, you will just know!"

Jake sighed, and started off down the hall. He kept walking, unsure what room it could be, there were so many, and every door looked the exact same. Eventually as he got towards the end of the hall, one of the doors was propped open slightly. He decided to just try that room.

"Sunghoon..?" he said quietly as he entered the room.

He walked in to see a boy on his bed, who was very much not Sunghoon.

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