Good Vibes

13 4 0

3rd POV:

"Are you sure they're coming?" Bright asked Jeff who was blowing bubbles.

"Yeah, yeah, they'll be here soon. Barcode texted me when they left." Jeff then blew a bubble into Bright's face.

"Hey! I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Bright said, well growling at Jeff.

"Or what? Are you going to tell my mom??" Jeff mocked.

"Yes, I am."

"Ok, do it then."

Before he could do anything, two cars pulled up into Jeff's driveway.

Eunwoo looked back and forth between the cars, one being a nicer toyota, and the other being an older chevy. He sighed, and Inyeop rolled down the window of his car and popped his head out.

"Get in losers, we're going shopping!" Inyeop yelled at the three of them.

"Did you really just quote Mean Girls?" Eunwoo frowned.

"Yes I did. Now one of you get in that car, and the rest of you get in here."

"Who's in that car?" Jeff asked.

"Oh um, Seobin.., Jiwoong.., Win.., Jake-"

"I'll get in that one, you guys go with him." Bright quickly got into the other car before they could even say anything back.

Eunwoo laughed, and Jeff just shrugged before getting into the back of Inyeops car, where Barcode already sat, because according to Inyeop he was still not old enough to sit in the front. Being the responsible one, Eunwoo added there luggage into the back of the cars, before sitting down in one himself.

Inyeop frowned when Eunwoo came and sat in the passengers seat, but sadly there was nothing he could do about it.

Both cars slowly exited the driveway, with Inyeops car following behind Seobin, because he was better with directions.

"You guys want to play a game! Or sing a song! Or read a story! I brought books! We are going to be in here for a while!" Win said as he turn to the two people to his right.

"I know a game, it called be quiet so Jake can sleep, because he's very tired and sad." Jake said from right next to Win, and he shook his head.

"Well that's not a very fun game." Win frowned.

"I'll play a game with you." Bright smiled over at him.

"Really?! Ok! Let's play I spy! I spy with my little eye, hhmm, something blue!"

Jake groaned.

"Uh, is it the sky?"

"How did you know? Wow, you are a genius!" Win said with a shocked look on his face.

Jake just sunk down in his seat, and pulled his hood over his face. Why did he have to be stuck in between these two idiots?


"Ok guys, listen up! There are going to be a couple rules in here! Rule #1, no cuddling!" Inyeop glared at Jeff in the rearview mirror, who currently had his arm around Barcode, who was leaning into him.
"Rule #2! If you need to use the bathroom, say it on time! Not when we are in the middle of nowhere, and would have to go back miles to find one! Rule #3! No sticking your face out the window! Rule #4! You cannot get Betty dirty! She must stay nice and clean!"

Jeff laughed from behind him, and Inyeop glanced at them again.

"Rule number 5! No touching!" he said after noticing how Jeff was still holding onto Barcode.

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