Chapter 14: Traing leads to betryal

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Steps by steps, leap by leap. Sweat poured down the neck of Dalton as he stretched his legs once more to climb the scorching stairs. "Almost there..." Dalton told that to himself and went for another jump. He flew across the steps of stairs, passing through many souls who could only cry in agony.


Dalton landed on the end of the stairs, what was in front of him led him to become astonished. A whole area filled with heavy dark energy. There was not a single soul there, rather just a plan deserted like ground, with dark red sky.


<You have entered the Sith's Mind>
Requirements: Kill all Jedi Padawan.
Rewards: 200 exp
Time limit: Nil
Penalty: ???
Dalton could only stare at the title, "Sith's Mind". This led him to crusade through his memories to find Darth Vader meditations and facing off against all the Jedi Masters possible. "This..." Dalton's mouth opened wide. "Is going to be fun..." followed by a pair of glowing red eyes.

A humongous giant red gate, which looks like an identical pillar of flames with ancient writing. Dalton's bloodlust roared when he flicked the switch of one of the lightsabers. Looking at the fizzling blade, he thought about the event which started this whole thing. "Didn't think aliens could make things this specific" Until he saw one of the cracked marks on the pillars. "Still don't"

Dalton took a step pass the portal and immediately, a wave of cooler air that could make others shudder went through Dalton. A group of 5 unknown Jedi knights, all in bright blue glow but with no faces, switched on their lightsabers, all light blue. They got into different positions, ready to attack Dalton. His eyes glowed once more before his foot left the ground.

Ken paced forward and backwards, scratching his chin as he recalled "Take care of Lea for the moment, I'm gonna go somewhere" He wondered what was so important that Dalton has to make his location a secret. Oh!! Ken walked quickly and knocked on Lea's door. "Hey, let's go somewhere!!!" ...only silence can be noticed. Raising his left eyebrow, he raised his hand and knocked again, only to find the silence that annoyed him. "Screw this." His hand dropped to fiddle with the knob of the door. Nothing but restricted movements. This had done it, Ken stepped back. Steam escaped through his nostrils as he slowly raised his knee to his chin level. "O...pen" he twisted his body and ready his foot. "The..." His foot shot forward. Just to find that the door opened by itself.

"WOAH!" Before his foot could continue into the space past the door, it got stopped in the spot and flung backwards. Ken spun backwards and knocked his head. "OWWW!!" Ken groaned, rubbing the back of his head. Turns out Lea was just preparing her make up to go out. "Sigh, what am I going to do with you..." She shook her head, walking out of the house with Ken dragging his feet behind her.

There was huge cloud of dust stirring on and on again in the fiery atmosphere. One man could be seen leaping and spinning with a bright red blade in his hand. He seemed to be dancing with 5 light blue humanoid figures with the same blade but being blue instead.

The man was not dancing, however, fighting off the blue figures. His actions were so smooth that he seemed to be dancing instead. "It feels so easy...are Jedi knights supposed to be this weak" Dalton wondered as he easily partied the blade of one of the blue blade while using the force to shove the other figure into his other opponents. The force exerted managed to to disintegrate both of the figures. "2 down, 3 to go." Dalton noted as he dashed towards the other figures.

Dalton hopped and spun sideways diagonally. His bright crimson blade spun out of his hands and went straight to the head of one of the figures. With 2 Jedi knights remaining, their faces slowly shifted and glitched. "Ding!!"

<Jedi Knight, Anakin> and <Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan> has appeared.

Skill <Ultimate Duo> has been activated

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Skill <Ultimate Duo> has been activated. Movements of both Jedi will be synchronised(70%) and attacks and defence increased by 20%.
> MISSION: Kill the ultimate duo without taking any damage by <Force>
Reward: 100 exp and (Ancient Box)

"Eh? Ancient box? What kind of dumb name is that??" Dalton raised his left eyebrow and scratched his chin. He tried opening the information, until Jedi Knight Anakin could be seen in the sky, his lightsaber pointing towards Dalton's heart. Dalton dodged barely, having one of his clothes being hit by the light blue saber. Dalton then smiled at Anakin.
Confusing the spirit, his eyes emitted a crimson red as he assumed a backhand lightsaber form.

Anakin decided to hop back to Obi-Wan, who just nodded at Anakin while the both of them assumed different stance. Obi-wan went first this time. He dashed and swiped at Dalton, only to be dodged easily. When Dalton tried to bring his blade vertically upwards, Anakin could be seen throwing his blade towards Dalton, forcing him to block the attack instead. Obi-Wan smiled and continued his forceful attacks on Dalton.

"Grrrr" Dalton grunted as he quickly took on the defensive moves.

Lea and Ken both arrived at the closest shopping mall, where they decided to go shop for some accessories and clothing. "Hmm will Dalton like this..." Lea wondered when a mysterious thought slowly entered her mind. "He is not even around to love you. Off with his training as always..." Lea shook her head and shrugged it off. Ken then decided to go off and get some biscuit and milk.

"He is not even good for you, let alone up to your standard. You dated him for pity..." Lea then held her head, as she yelled in pain. "No..." She dropped the basket she was carrying and grabbed her head with both hands. Until, she viewed her past memories, he had been loving her so dearly, it's a fruitful memory too. Then when he decided to go for training, he didn't bothered to bring her along because it was "dangerous" apparently. She was also recently losing the love she had for him. Another sinister thought slipped into her brain. "Leave him. Like how you leave all of your other exes."

Ken was collecting the required food for dinner when he saw Lea on the ground writhing in pain. He dropped his things and dashed towards Lea. He then got down and questioned with concern. " are you alright? Lea?" Lea looked up to Ken when she suddenly tried to reach in for a kiss. "Huh?!!" At this point, Ken knew something was terribly wrong, high intuition you can say. He used the force and pushed himself away from Lea and back flipped to safety. His eyes could not believe its own sight anymore. Did Lea tried to kiss him? He could only look in disbelief when he saw Lea stood up and said, "I...can no longer take it. I don't love Dalton anymore." This exact words, were said slowly, with a smile creeping up on her face, she flicked her hair backwards and walked away with style(any style you want).

Ken's face could only show plain horror and pain. Dalton...was the only thought going through his mind. Never knowing how he'll react, it scared him even further.

To be continued

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