Chapter 19: Unknown Stranger, Vitiate.

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As Dalton saw the scenes of war, earth forming, galaxies in chaos, flashing through his eyes, he could only comprehend so little of it. And then it stopped, Dalton dropped to his knees, hands trembling while holding onto Lea. The figure smiled at him and spoke once more "Such strength you possess, join me and rule this world together..." now he can clearly see the figure, wearing a white rob and golden armour, gold lining like a river across his man's robe while his arms a clasped with white armour. Hair silver with a full grown mini beard and moustache.

Dalton slowly placed one foot on the ground launched himself back up

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Dalton slowly placed one foot on the ground launched himself back up. His eyes glaring with an ominous intent at the figure "Who are you?" The figure was clearly surprised when he heard his own language used by another. "Surprise surprise you could speak my language" he then circled Dalton. "Alright, I am Vitiate, a Sith Lord who used to rule over the galaxy and trained powerful knights." As Vitiate spoke this sentence, he emitted his aura, causing the pressure between both individuals to shake and bent.

"One offer, take it or die..." Vitiate continued to circle him, deep intent written on his face. Dalton frowned, knowing that he have taken a lot of his own energy previously. "What is the offer that you are going to speak of?" Dalton said in a rather relaxed voice, as if it's not Dalton himself anymore. Vitiate's eyes narrowed and he stopped moving, "Join me to rule the empire together, we shall make the Sith great again!" His voiced thundered across the hallway.

At this moment, see Dalton you may, feel his fatigue you may. However, he is not Dalton. "I am not You, not your master, yet I'm not anything." The place surrounding Dalton seemed to turn black. Dark liquid engulfed the entire place, leaving Dalton alone, with Lea in his trembling hands.

Dalton looked up and saw what other could not. Himself, yet not himself but starkiller. Images shifted and changed, things are not what they may seem. Starkiller yet changed and became Darth Vader himself. "You are not what you thought you were, are you?" A voice can be heard echoed amongst the area. Moving his arms, Dalton felt that it was light and cool. "Lea!" He exclaimed and look down, nothing at all, except his own flesh and blood. "I'm you, and certainly all the ones who hold this so desired power, potential, yet they all trembled, fumbled and humbled themselves in the wrong side of the galaxy." Dalton dashed and launched his fist at the voice, relying solely on his sense of sound. Yet, his punch seemed to only meet air itself. "Be that as it may, you are meant to have this destiny, to shape the world as it is. Show me that you'll do it on a different side. And you shall reap what you sow."

"Are you not responding to me?" Vitiate sneered at Dalton and raised one of his hand. "Meet your doom" Vitiate's palm curled up as Dalton's head was forced upwards, finger marks could be seen at Dalton throat, squeezing as if it bears deep hatred. As though as it was fate, a yellow lightsaber could be seen spinning vertically to Vitiate, only to be stopped by him. 

A figure which looks could only match Ken appeared, "Get away from DALTON!!" He yelled and whipped out another lightsaber as it emits crimson red. Ken jumped and spun diagonally, launching his body weight on to the force of his impact. Vitiate's right hand stayed in its place and while his left hand grabbed his weapon and meet its opponent. Ken took back his lightsaber during his attack and went for a double strike to be deflected and parried by Vitiate. "Weak." Vitiate spoke and sent bolts of electricity towards Ken, who could barely block his assault.

Cue the fight music...

Vitiate could be seen killing two birds with one stone, holding back Ken and killing Dalton. "There's always a large pool to search from anyways, I'll just kill you both and find a different candidate." The electricity suddenly gotten extremely violent while the grip on Dalton strengthened.

Something feels off, even Vitiate could notice it. He scanned the entire surrounding and noticed that Dalton's arm are empty! Light taps of feet could then be heard, and then a searing pain could be felt on Vitiate's chest. He looked down and saw a red lightsaber pierced through his heart. Face tormented with pain and agony, he weakly turned behind to see Lea barely able to hold her own attack. "Did I just flipping lose to.." {Yea out of the character but it's just funny} Vitiate collapsed as his grip on Dalton loosened and Ken collapsed to his knees.

"Is it over??" Ken thought as sweat dropped down onto the ground as he weakly got up and ran towards Lea to help her as she fell down. Realising with great pain, both Lea and Dalton had collapsed, which only meant. "SHIT I HAVE TO CARRY THEM BOTH!!"

To be continued...

On the next chapter,
The final fight between Sith and Jedi has arrived, the Sith desiring the peace and United world while the Jedi who refute against equality and promotes
Prejudice and discrimination against the Sith. Both shall face each other to fight the greatest fight the world shall face, the war between both Jedi and Sith.

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