Chapter 18: Vidcon Day 0

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I was really excited but nervous about going to vidcon. I mean yes I get to talk to Mel about the stupidest mistake of my like. But like what if she hates me forever and never even wants to be friends again.


As we boarded the plane I was super nervous. This girl in front of us, named Kyra, was going to Vidcon too. So we talked to her for a while. She was really nice and us three girls hit it off talking about youtubers. The whole time Liam was asleep on the plane as usual.

When we landed we traded numbers with Kyra and promised to hang out while we were here. We walked out of out gate and were greeted by Rusher and Mitch. They both were holding hand with pretty girls. I gave each of the guys a hug before talking with the girls. Liam was talking to the guys anyway.

"Hi I'm Bella" The girl with pretty brown hair introduced, "I'm Mitch's Girlfriend"

"Hi I'm Hope" The other girl said, very happily, "I'm dating Rusher."

"Hi I'm Mel" I said, "I'm H's little sister"

"And I'm Amanda, I'm just the best friend." Amanda introduced.

Well we all talked in the airport for awhile. Then Liam decided that we should all go to the house and called the uber. At the house I was just so excited seeing everybody again. I talked to Graser for a while, just laughing.

Then I decided it was time to talk to Parker. I told Liam what I was doing then walked up to Parker.

"Hey Parker wanna go on a walk?" I asked quietly.

He looked up smiled, then nodded a yes.


I was so shocked when Mel asked me to go on a walk that I just nodded. We walk out the front door quickly. Nobody really paid attention to us because they were to busy getting caught up with each other.

We walked in silence for awhile, both of us just thinking. But when we walked down around the corner she fully stopped. She looked at me sadly.

"Just tell me why you did it." she mumbled.

"I don't know I was just being an idiot, I don't know what came over me." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I was begging myself not to cry.

"Don't cry Parker." she said lightly hugging me.

"I just don't know anymore, I lost the girl I love over a stupid heat of the moment decision" I cried.

By this point we were both crying and hugging. She pulled back and said something I'll remember forever.

"Okay Parker I'm going to give you another chance," she started, "I don't know why but I still feel this deep connection to you"

I picked her up hugging her while mumbling thank you. We began to walk back to the cube house hand and hand but right as we were almost there we got nervous. Just like how we felt nervous walking back from the park that first time. We decided this time we would waiting longer before we told anyone because we weren't even sure if this would work again. I strongly hope so.

When we got inside, most people had gone to bed because of jet lag. But a group people, Rusher, Hope, Mitch, Bella, and Liam were still watching movies.

"Oh hey guys wanna join us?" Hope asked.

I looked at Mel and she nodded, "sure" I said. Mel sat down next to Liam and I sat on her other side. We watch a couple more movies, just goofing around. Around 1 am we decided to go to bed and we all went to are rooms. I was sharing with Tybzi but we each had are own bed. Mel was sharing with Liam, like always. But, they each had there own bed like Tybzi and I.


BELLA: BellaBear1312
HOPE: thecubesmpbigfna
KYRA: Totally_Tomlinson
AND OF CORSE AMANDA: onlinegamerchick


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