Chapter 2: The Plane Ride

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----=+=----LIAM'S POV----=+=----

I packed my chargers into my carry on bag as I finished up my packing. I am so excited to see my friends again and meet the others like Straub and Bee. I pulled my suitcase downstairs and called for Mel. I swear she was more excited for it then me. I have to remember to keep an eye on her this week because I don't want anyone of the boys like Bayani to try and make a move on her.

"Come on Mel, your gonna make us miss our flight!" I yelled up the stairs.

"Coming, i'm coming" She mumbled, suffling down the stairs.

We got into Amanda's car, since she offered us a ride to the airport. When we got there Babe was waiting to give me a goodbye kiss as Mel hugged Amanda. Those two are more like sisters then Mel and I seem related. We went through bag check without any problems. Soon we were just waiting for our flight to be called.

"Flight 747 to Boston now boarding at Gate 3." An overhead intercom annouced.

We got up and made are way there, While Mel was skippng instead of walking. We handed them are ticket and found our seats and I took the aisle and She got the window seat. She insisted having that one because it was her first time on a plane and she wanted the view. I hope it doesn't make her get airsick.

"This is going to be so awesome dood." She said to me as we were taking off. When we were in the air I drifted off into dreamland

----=+=----MEL'S POV----=+=----

Liam was sleeping, how could he sleep on a day like this. I was finally going to meet some of the people who make my bad days great. I know its a little weird being a fangirl of your brothers best friends but who cares. But also i was going to meet PARKER FREAKIN GAMES. How amazing is that, But now im worring that i'm going to make a huge fool of myself when I meet him. That always happens when I meet new people especialy cute people. I'm going to have to suck it up when i meet them, I can do that right. The rest of the plane ride I tried to not think about it and just go to sleep. Just as I felt like I had gone to sleep I was awoken.

"Flight 747 preparing to land, Please buckle up." A voice rung from the speakers.

I turned to Liam, who was still asleep. How did he sleep through that annoying sound. I started to wake him up.

"Come on sleepyhead we're here, we're in Boston." I said excitedly.

He woke up just as people were staring to leave the plane. We walked in to the through the walkway and into the airport and were greeted with Graser and Dfield, after picking up are bags. I went up to Graser and hugged. Him and I had become close friends on Skype. After that he hugged Liam

"My boy, Hbomb94, good to see ya pal," Graser said in a weird voice. I went to shake Dfield or Mark's hand.

"Nice to meet you dood." I smiled to him

He went and hugged Liam too. We got into a cab that took us to the rented house that was for some of the cube members. As the day went on I kept meeting new people, I became good friends with Bee and Dul. The Last person to arrive was Parker since he got such a late flight.


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