Chapter 1: Big Surprise

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AU: The girl in the picture is Mel, also in the story Pax East is June instead

----=+=----LIAM'S POV----=+=---

I was currently talking to Graser on teamspeak about Pax.

"Hey G10 do you have thing in order for the Cube house at Pax East?" I asked him, knowing that he would wait to last minute to get everything finalized.

"Ya man, all done" He said.

"Cool I got a question, Do you think Mel can come, I mean we can share a room and every thing," I stared, "It's just that she's only spending the summer with me and I don't to leave her here alone when we're supposed to be hangin out."

"Sure man, your sister's cool I played some SG with her before." He laughed.

"Awesome, she's going to be so excited when I tell her." I smiled.

I went to check if the girls where awake but they weren't, typical. I move Mel's laptop off her bed and onto her desk. Then I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

----=+=----MEL'S POV----=+=----

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and got excited. You wouldn't believe it but my brother was a great cook. I went to wake up Amanda.

"Get up you lazy ass!" I yelled in her ear.

"No!" She mumbled in her pillow.

"Liam made pancakes!" I shouted excitedly, which got her up quick.

We went downstairs just as he was finishing up. He sat a plate of chocolate chip in front of me and plain in front of the bestie. Knowing she didn't eat a lot of chocolate. He sat across from as with a huge grin on his face. We ate in silence, enjoying the food. After we were done Liam looked at me weird, like he was hiding something.

"What?" I asked.

"I've got great news for you," he announced excitedly.

"Well what is?" I asked, bouncing.

"You get to go to Boston with me for PAX, but don't get to excited it's only to hang out with me and the buds, you don't have a ticket to to the actual thing." He blurted out.

"That's fine, This is amazing!!!" I squealed, jumping up to hug him, "Thank you, Thank you so much!"

I pulled Amanda back up stairs to help me pack. First a back some underwear, socks and things like that. Then I got some jeans, shorts, t-shirts, crop tops, and my jacket. I'll pack my toiletries and electronics the night before or the day of. I looked at Amanda.

"I'm so excited, but I feel bad that your not going" I frowned.

"No biggie, I have to start planning for my trip to Australia in the fall." she responded.

"Oh ya that's a lot to plan." I laughed.

After I was done packing Amanda went home and Liam went out with his girlfriend. So I made myself a sandwich and went off to play Minecraft. What a great way to spend the evening of a great day. I logged onto Kastia to play some Lucky Block Wars. Which I ended up playing until Liam got home and asked me I wanted to record with to which I accepted. I didn't realise when we logged onto Mineplex that we were recording with Parker. I tried my best not to fangirl in front of him.

"I died!" I yelled when I was attacked out of no where, "I call hacks, that guy had full diamond armor."

"What was his name?" Parker asked.

"I don't know he was too fast!" I exclaimed.

"That's okay we'll see him in deathmatch, right H." He said confidently.

"Right Parker" Liam replied.

They ended up getting the guy banned and did the outro for the video. After that I was so tired I went straight to bed

AU: Hope You Liked It : ) But I feel like its so short I'll try and make it longer next time

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