Chapter 3: Getting To Know Parker

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AN: I'm updating a lot because of the annoying person who I call my best friend keeps telling me its a good idea so the goes out to you, you know who you are

---=+=--- MEL'S POV ---=+

It was almost 9pm when it happened. Dfield announced he was going to meet Parker because he had just landed. He ask if any one wanted to go and some people said yes. So Dfield, Liam, Tybzi, and Straub all left. I decided not too with Liam and stay with girls Dul and Bee. We decided to do girly things and gossip.

"So what's up with you and Straub because everyone knows you aren't just Roommates." Dul asked Bee.

"N-NO-NOTHING!" She stuttered, while blushing.

"Now we know your lying." I said.

"Well fine.... Um we both like each other, we've talked about it. But as adults we decided not to date so it would ruin are friendship." she answered.

"Oh that's very mature and smart of you I think." Dul told her, then turned to me, "So what about you, which cube guy do you think is cute?"

"Wow your very noisy Dul, but what if I said I don't find any of them attractive." I responded.

"Now that can't be true! You have to find one of them cute." Bee added with a smile.

"Fine... Parker." I mumbled, quietly.

"Who? I couldn't here you." Dul laughed.

"Parker." I said louder then blushed, "But nothing, will happen, he wouldn't like me and Liam would never go for it because they're best friends."

Before they could ask anymore questions the boys called us out there to say they were back and what we wanted on are pizza they were ordering. We walked out there and Bee and Dul went to hug him, I went for a hand shake. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"Nice to meet Mini-H" he smiled. Oh great I thought he thinks of me. I'm just H's dumb little sister.

When we were ordering pizza me and Parker decided to halfsies because we liked the same type. While we were waiting we decided to play never have I ever. We went around in a circle saying stuff like

"Never have I ever kissed a guy" -Graser

"Never have I ever had sex" - Tomahawk(the only peoples who's finger didn't go down was Dul, Tomahawk, Graser, and me

"Never have I every recorded my self playing minecraft" I said getting them all.

When the pizza showed up we all went to the people we were sharing with. So me and Parker were sitting on the floor and talking I had to admit, he was really easy to talk to.

"So Mel, you like minecraft?" He asked in conversation.

"Yes of course I mean I live with Liam," I began, "I watch all you guys videos, y'all are so funny"

"Well the video with you goes up tomorrow, I think you funny too, you really get into the game," He laughed.

"Well it's not my fault that a hacker killed me." I pouted.

"I know, your cute when you pout," He smiled.

"Thank you," I said, blushing.

"Your not trying to make move on my sister are you pal?" Liam joked loud enough for everyone to hear and I started blushing harder.

"What No, I wouldn't do that." Parker said starting to blush too.

Everyone looked at us for what felt like 10 minutes but was really like 30 seconds, then went back eating and taking. After dinner we all got ready for bed. I walked into the bedroom me and my bro were sharing and got into bed. I was so tired after that long day that I passed right out.


My Brother's Best Friend (A Parker_Games ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang