Chapter 7: Telling The Truth

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----=+=---- MEL'S POV ----=+=----

This is all my fault, I thought as I set my phone down on the nightstand. All these, What If's were running through my head as I finally got out of bed. I walked into the kitchen to get food because I hadn't eaten all day. When I was done eating I went to sit on the couch with my laptop and watch YouTube and watched some videos I missed over traveling. I was watching a TheCampingRusher video, the door opened. I looked to find every cube member walk inside even ones who weren't staying there.

"Hi, Mel, watcha doin," Graser asked.

"Just watching some vids on the YouTubes," I laughed.

"Who ya watchin?" Bayani asked, with a smirk.

"Actually some of my boy Rusher over there," I said, looking at him

"You here that Buds, I'm her favorite." Rusher yelled.

"I highly doubt that dood," Bayani said, all knowingly.

"You know something I don't?" Rusher smiled.

"Well in fact I know," he began but I gave him a look, "Nothing I guess I know nothin."

"Rusher bud sorry to tell you but Devon's my favorite," as I laughed, "jk Sean" (if you get that reference I love you)

We all started laughing, as many of them started to go make videos. I went to talk to Bee and Dul.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

"So what was Bayani going on about back there?" Dul asked.

"Nothing, he just thinks he's something else" I replied

"Okay...." Bee said unsure.

We continued a lovely conversation as I changes the subject. Later when we were eating Chipotle I decided to talk to Parker.

"Parker what is going on with us?" I asked him.

"I know we just met in person but after yesterday and when we talked on Skype over games. It makes me feel like I've known you forever. I really like you." He said all at once

"I really like you too. but I'm mean what is this?" I smiled.

"Well I'll be honest I want you to be my girlfriend, I mean people who meet online work out. Just look at Tybzi and his girlfriend." he told me.

"Well I would love to be your girlfriend, but if I am we have to at lest tell Liam." I said.

"Okay I guess I agree to that, and if he's happy will tell everyone else" he announced.

"Okay Bud" I said in a Rusher voice.


---=+=---LIAM POV---=+=---

I know was something was up when Bayani was talking this afternoon. So I was expecting it when Mel came to talk me. This is going to be good I thought sitting on the bed, because she wanted to talk in private.

"Soo, Liam I have something to tell you." she said calmly, sitting next to me.

"Okay, what is it?" Liam asked.

"I am dating Parker," said closing her eyes.

Parker, she dating Parker. At least it's not some flirt like Bayani or It's not Graser. I trust Parker, he's a good guy. I looked at Mel

"Okay, he's a good guy" I said completely surprising her.

"Really, I'll go get him," she announced running out of the room. She came back moments later with Parker in tow.

"Soo Liam" Parker stuttered.

"I'm fine with you dating my sister, your a good guy. But I you hurt her I hurt you. k?" I said with emphasis behind it.

He looked at me a seconds, then smiled. "Yes sir." And laughed "And I would never hurt her on purpose," he said more serious.

The rest of the evening was filled them telling the rest of the guys and just hanging out. At the end of the night I fell asleep as soon as my head it the pillow.


My Brother's Best Friend (A Parker_Games ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang