~ Chapter 2 ~

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I am now 11 years old which means that I am going to Hogwarts. The best thing about going to Hogwarts is that I'm away from the Malfoy's. They are making me come back for Christmas break, but I really don't want to.

"Don't forget your robe's you idiotic girl!" My Uncle Lucius shouts at me from the door. This is how he always treated me. Like I was just dumped on his door step, oh wait I kinda was.

"Now sweetheart don't forget to write, okay? At least once a week." My Aunt Narcissa said sweetly, she wasn't all that bad.

"Yes of course." I reply "If I decide to." I added under my breath.

"Don't get lippy young lady! Already acting just like your mother." My Uncle yelled at me.

"Lucius! Stop that!" My Aunt defended in a warning tone. I don't know how she did it sometimes. Putting up with that so called man.

"Can you guys just drop me off and I can be on my way?" I asked, but of course they ignored me.

Was this how it was going to be every year? Of course it will. Lucius hated me and Narcissa is nice to me because I remind her of my mother when she was younger. Little do they know is that we are more different than they think. We reached Platform 9 3/4 a bit before 11 a.m. 10:30 actually.

"Have a safe trip Jazmin." My Aunt told me.

"Okay auntie."

"I better not be told that you're misbehaving or else you will not like your punishment." My Uncle warned me, and he was right I wouldn't like my punishment it usually ment torture the unforgivable kind.

"Okay don't worry." I replied absentmindly.

"See you at Christmas Jaz!" Draco yelled to me from his mothers side.

"See you then Drake."

Draco ran up to me and gave me a hug. He is sometimes a sweet kid, but then Lucius' old Death Eater friends show up with their kids. Oh well, when I boarded the train I didn't even take another look at my family. I just looked for an empty compartment, which was easy since a lot of students were still saying good-bye to their families. When I took a seat in my compartment I saw a group of Gryffindor's walk by, one looked like a second year and the other a fifth year. The second year had brown hair and carmel eyes while the older one had red hair and dark blue eyes and some freckles. I don't think they were related. I then saw a girl with purple hair and in Hufflepuff robes, that must have been my cousin, Nymphadora Tonks, my parents and the Malfoy's hate them because they are "blood traitors." I don't see anything wrong with that, but of course I won't tell the Malfoy's that. I want to meet the rest of my family though.

The rest of the way to Hogwarts I slept. When we arrived at Hogwarts I had to go over to this huge guy named Hagrid, I think he might be half giant, while everyone else took the carriages, which were pulled by boney winged horses I wonder what they are. The first years took boats up to the castle though. I was in a boat with three other people; a shaggy haired boy with brown colored eyes that matches his hair, a blonde girl with blue eyes, and a boy with jet black hair and green eyes.

Everyone was already in the Great Hall when the rest of us arrived. The Sorting Hat sang a song and then Professor McGonagall started the Sorting. I was one of the last people, the blonde girls name was Caithin Medows and she was put in Hufflepuff. The shaggy haired boy's name was Abraham Supre he was put in Ravenclaw. The boy with jet black hair was Sabastion Torres and was put in Slytherin. Many more people were before me, by then there was three of us left.

"Lestrange, Jazmin." Professor McGonagall called out. Oh, thats me. A few gasps went around the room. I guess no one knew that my mother had a kid. I slowly walked up to the small stool and took a seat, ignoring the whispers.

"Hmm. You are awfully hard to place. Definitely not Hufflepuff. Yes you are smart, but to lazy for Ravenclaw. Hmmm either Slytherin or Gryffindor. Both intelligent and brave. Unpredictable and daring. Has an attitude and an opinion. I think I will put you in..." The Sorting Hat was muttering to me. "SLYTHERIN!!!" He yelled to the rest of the school. I got up and walked over to the Slytherin table, most were cheering while others just clapped. Many students from other houses were trying to get as far away from me as possible.

"Why didn't you say anything about being Bellatrix's daughter?" The boy I remember as Sebastion Torres asked me once I sat down.

"It never came up." I said simply.

"Well, you were really quiet when we were in the boats." He replied then another boy walked up to us.

"Hello Jazmin, my name is Marcus Flint. I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and my friends?" He asked, he had dark hair and dark eyes and his messed up teeth were showing behind his mencing smirk.

"Well Marcus, I would not like to sit with you and your friends." I told him as I started piling food onto my plate.

"Cool we are right ov...wait did you say no?" He asked me.

"That's right. Now why don't you go back with your friends and I can enjoy my dinner." I replied not looking at him.

"Oh, well you will regret that." He said as he stormed off with his friends again.

"Doubt it." I said as he was leaving.

Flint was now back with his friends and I started to enjoy my dinner in peace.

"I can't believe you just rejected him." Sebastion said as he was eating his dinner.

"I don't want people to just come up to me and try to be my friend because my mother is powerful." I replied while looking at him.

"Well I'm not, but it looks like they are talking about you." He said motioning for me to look at the group Flint was with his friends. And sure enough when I looked over to where Marcus and his friends and from where they were sitting they were all glaring at me. Maybe I should listen in. This was one of my many powers I can over hear any conversation.

"I can't believe she didn't want to come over here. She just thinks that she can do anything because her mum is Bellatrix Lestrange." Flint said.

"Not like her mum can do anything she's locked up in Azkaban." A girl I learned to be Samantha Asevedo.

"She just thinks she's all special. People think that she might be like her mother. Yet no one knows why her sorting took so long." A boy who was Terence Higgs.

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