~ Chapter 10 ~

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When we got done with Herbology I had to be woken up by Sabastion. I really hated this subject, at least we had Transfigurations next. I had already transfigured my needle into a match and back again a few times so I just sat in my seat and changed my features for the remainder of the hour. Since these were our last two classes of the day we dropped off our belongings at our dorms and head to the Great Hall for dinner. On the way there a Hufflepuff 3rd year told me to go up to Dumbledore's office and that is exactly what I did. Hopefully my Uncle said yes about staying at his place it would make my life a lot easier. I finally came up with a plan, but I need some Gryffindors to help, maybe that kid Wood that Flint hates so much. I finally reached Dumbledore's office and gave the password, I knocked on the door and waited to be let in.

"You sent for me Professor?" I asked once I got inside.

"Yes, now please have a seat." I did as he instructed and sat in one of the chairs infront of his desk. "Your Uncle has sent his reply, but I must ask what do you plan to do for you to get disowned?" I was upset and it must have shown on my face because he added, "The letter was read aloud so I was able to hear what you had written." 

"I need to do something to irritate the Malfoy's so I wont have to return for winter break or any of the following vacations actually." I said simply.

"How will you survive, food wise?" 

"I have the Lestrange vault to use and plan to transfer a portion of it to a new vault under my name."

"You have all of this well planned out. How long have you been planning for this?"

"Since the Howler it kind of planted the idea in my mind and I just needed to add the detail and take action before break."

Dumbledore nodded, "Very well, here is your letter enjoy your dinner Miss. Lestrange."

When he added that I knew I couldn't skip dinner to go and read my letter. So I thanked him and pocketed the letter as I head to dinner. Sabastion had saved me a seat like alway and we finished out dinner before we grabbed our books and headed to the library. We headed to an empty table in the corner of the room to work, well he worked I read my letter.

Jazmin Lestrange,

        Yes, you can stay at my parents home my mother is long dead. I do warn you of a house elf named Kreater however he may not take a liking in you. Make sure Dumbledore had the Potions Professor brew you some elf tonic just in case. Good luck on getting disowned. When I get out of here one day I want to hear about it.

                                       - Sirius Black

I smiled at the letter I can now oficially get disowned, all I have to do is get the rest of my belongings from the Malfoy's. I think they said something about going to France for Christmas so I can sneak in then or get the house elf Dobby to do it for me. Maybe I will send a letter to Wood and ask him to help me get disowned with some of his Gryffindor friends. Instead of doing my Herbology essay I wrote a quick note to him.


        Hi, I'm Jazmin Lestrange the Slytherin. I need your help getting disowned. You in? If so can you have some other Gryffindors help? Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at lunch on Saturday.

                                - Lestrange

I folded the not up to look like an envelope and wrote "Wood" on the front of it. When I looked up Sabastion was looking at me waiting for me to finish. I kinda forgot he was here. 

"So I can stay at my uncles and I asked Wood if him and some other Gryffindors can help me get disowned." I told him.

"Well that's great now are you going to do your Herbology paper or am I?" I gave him a smile that said 'do you love me enough to do it?' he then sighed and handed me a piece of parchment, "I already did mine so I was working on yours." 

"This is why you are my favorite." 

We didn't have any other work so we headed back down to the dungeons and at breakfast I used a school owl to send Wood his letter, I got a reply instantly. 

We're in -O.W

I looked back up at the Gryffindor table to look for his face. I found it out what he looked like when Flint was yelling at him in the halls earlier. HIm and his friends were already looking my way and I gave a curt nod before finishing my food and turning my hair red.

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