~ Chapter 4 ~

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I wore my hair Gryffindor colors all day. Despite all the glares and remarks I was getting. The conversation I had with Flint was quite exciting.

"Why the bloody hell are you showing Gryffindor colors?!" Flint yelled at me from across the hall as he made his way towards me.

"I thought it looked good on me despite that they were Gryffindor colors." I replied cooly which just made him more agrivated.

"With a family like yours I wouldn't even think you would pull a stunt like this."

"Why is my family always brought up with you Flint?"

"Blood purity runs in our families vains, don't turn out to be a blood traitor." He said getting into my personal space.

"What are you going to do if I end up one?" I say taking a step back.

"You got guts Lestrange, but remember this, my father and your uncle are friends." He says in a threatening manor.

"What, do they have the same thing on their arm or something?" I ask not really caring how he reacts.

"Don't push it Lestrange." He says with gritted teeth. I really pissed off this Slytherin.

"Wouldn't dream about it Flint." And with that we both walked to opposite ends of the Slytherin table.

:What was that all about?" Sabastion asked once I reached him.

"Flint was just trying to threaten me." I say as we start to put food on our plates.

"What's he going to do?" He says with concern.

"Tell my uncle about my stunt. If he does I wouldn't be surprised if I get a Howler." I say thoughtfully, imagining what the Howler would say.

"I knew your uncle was mean, but that mean?" He asks dumbfounded.

"He probably would have sent me to an orphanage if it wasn't for my aunt." I tell him and that dropped the conversation. Dinner was finally over and I made sure I was one of the last people leaving. When I finally left only 10 students were inside including that Fifth Year Ginger kid from Gryffindor. When I was halfway out of the Great Hall he caught up with me.

"Nice hair Lestrange." He said this with a chuckle and I just rolled my eyes.

"What did I do to earn the pleasure to be complimented by a Gryffindor?" I say sarcastically.

"You seem different from the rest of the Slytherin's after a stunt like this. You earned a bit of respect from the other houses. I'm Charlie Weasley by the way."

"Well, Charlie Weasley, I have someone I need to meet so if you would excuse me I need to go." I started walking towards the Astronomy Tower, but I didn't realize the Gryffindor Common Room was in the same direction. I learned this after Weasley was still walking with me.

"Are you meeting up with a Gryffindor, Lestrange?" Weasley says from behind me.

"No I am not, Weasley."

"Well if not who are you meeting in the Astronomy Tower?"

"How did you know?" I ask turning to face him.

"If your not going to Gryffindor Tower you must be going to the Astronomy Tower." He said matter-a-factly.

"Hmm, interesting. But sorry it's a personal matter."

"Just tell me what house at least."

"Now why would a 5th Year Gryffindor want to know the business of a 1st Year Slytherin."

"Your different from the others like I said and the only Slytherin since I have been here to have that long of a Sorting." He said with interest.

"Interesting, well maybe another time, Weasley, I have to go." Before he could say anymore I ran the rest of the stairs up to the Astronomy Tower. Tonks was already there.

"About time I thought you were going to bail." She said once she saw me.

"Sorry Weasley held me up."

"Weasley? The 5th Year of 2nd Year?"

"5th Year, why?"

"Just asking." The tips of her hair went pink but it soon disappeared.

"Okay, so why did you want to meet up here?"

"To ask about your sorting. I thought it would be better if it was private, so what was the Sorting Hat saying?"

"He said, definitely not Hufflepuff. I was smart but to lazy for Ravenclaw. Then unpredictable, brave, daring, intelligent, and that I have an attitude, so he was choosing between Slytherin and Gryffindor." I say not really upset that she asked me.

"Interesting blood like yours I'm surprised it had those options."

"My blood is similar to yours." I state kinda upset becasue everyone drags my blood status into things.

"Yes, but I'm a half-blood your are a pure-blood and your parents are a bit sinister and so are the people you live with."

"That's true, so are we done here?" She did have a point.

"Yeah, I think I might be able to trust you." She had a true smile on.

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