~ Chapter 7 ~

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Me and Sabastion may have known eachother for a few weeks, but you would be suprised on how close we have gotten. Besides Tonks and myself, he is the only other person that knows what happened during my sorting. He know's the reason behind my hate for the Malfoy's. I know that he has never stayed in one place to long, his mother is on the run from his father. That he plans on staying in Hogwarts, but doesn't know what his mother's plans are. And now the next thing he will know about me is how I plan to get disowned by the Malfoy's. I don't know when I want my plan to go into action, but it definaltly needs to happen before Christmas holiday. Although for my plan to go into action I need a plan.

"That was fast. What did you ask?" Sabastion asked once I sat next to him in the Great Hall.

"If I could send a letter to my Uncle." I said filling up my plate.

"Why would you need permission?" He asked doing the same. It seemed like he was waiting for me to start eating how sweet.

"Because he's in Azkaban." I say before I take a bite of my food.

"WHAT?!?!" He shouted standing up.

"Shut up!" I yell back at him and pulling him down back into his seat. Some people turned around to look at us. I rolled my eyes, why were people so nosey today?

"I need to ask him if I could stay at his place. I need somewhere to stay after I'm disowned."

"Please don't tell me you're not planning on getting disowned." He said slightly worried. I gave him a sheepish smile and he just started to rub his temple "Jaz, we're 11 why are you planning on getting disowned?"

"The kind of punishments my Uncle gives me could land him in Azkaban for life." I say under my breath. He still heard though and it took Sabastion a bit of time to process what kind of punishment my Uncle gave me.

"He really does it?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, that's why I need to be disowned. I can't handle going through that pain again." I say not making eye contact with him.

"Alright, I'm going to help you, so what's your plan?"

"I don't have one yet."

"So square one it is."

"Yup." We talked, but about nothing really important. I started to realize I need to tell him about some of my other powers. He may not like them but he needs to know.



"Do you think you can meet me in the Common Room at midnight?"

"Sure, what about?"

"I need to tell you some stuff that can not be repeated or overheard."

He gave me a nod knowing that he understood. After dinner everyone head med to there houses. Instead of just meeting at midnight in the Common Room we stayed till the room was empty; which happened a lot sooner it was 10:30 when we were finally alone. I finally spoke about what really mattered a few minutes after the last person went up to their dorm.

"Okay, so I need to tell you aout my powers."


"Yeah, I have more powers than being a Metamorphagus."

"What are they?"

"Healing, controlling, I can hear any conversation with in a 50 mile radius, Occlumency and Legilimency, also some of the elements." It was a while until Sabastion said something. I was really hoping he didn't think that I was a freak.

"Which elements?" He asked calmly.

"Mainly Earh and Water. Fire and Air are harder to master." It took him some more time to reply.

"Is controlling people just like the Imperious Curse."

"Yeah, I only know this because I ended up having my cousin make me a sandwhich."

"That's how you found out?" He started laughing.

"Yeah it is, he's really stubborn when he wants to be." I said laughing with him.

"Hmm, okay well I'm glad you told me this."

"So you don't hate me?" I asked concerned.

"No. I am glad that you can trust me enough to tell me this. You really are my best friend."

"Well, we both told eachother things that no other living thing can know."

"Very true. Good night Jaz, see you in the morning." He said getting up.

"Good night S." I said after him getting up as well.

"S?" He asked looking really confused.

"There's no good nickname for Sabastion unless I call you Sab and that makes you sound sabby." I saw with a chuckle.

"Good thing I'm not complaining about S then." We both chuckled and then walked up to our dorms. I felt so much better telling S my powers. I know I can trust him and if he does tell anyone I will know.

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