Chapter two

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*7 years later*

"Mae! Oh my god Mae!" Jenessa my high school best friend screams running up to me.

"Hey Jen. What's up?"

"You're never going to believe what I'm about to tell you!"

I look at her not saying anything waiting for the news.


"She was holding a poster. She unrolls it and turns it around so I could see it.

My heart literally dropped to my stomach when I seen the poster.

"Um, yeah?" I clear my throat an cold my arms over my stomach. She looks at me and back to the poster. Like she was possessed or something. It was weird...a little too weird.

"Mae! Are you blind? Do you see who this is??"

"Yes Jen I am very much aware of who is on this poster." I assure her.


She was holding up a poster of hunter. Now he's some big famous country singer with millions of fans.

"Jen he broke my heart and left me there for years. I don't know what I'm suppose to be so happy about."

"This is your chance-"

I cut her off. "My chance for what Jen? For him to publicly humiliate me infront of thousands of people?"
She looked at me in shame. " I'm sorry but if it really mattered he wouldn't have left. And it wouldn't have hurt so bad when he did. I haven't loved anyone ever since because its too hard. And it's not even worth the time for someone to say they Love you, break your heart and move thousands of miles away from you. You just don't get it."

I walked away and she left. I walk into my house and shut the front door. I sit on my couch and I think of how much I loved him, how much I dedicated my whole life to him and he left. But it was obviously good because he's gotten so far with his dreams and he probably don't even remember me. I'm just another pile of dirt that was left in the past. I'm happy for him, I really am but, it's hard. Even if he did recognize me I wouldn't even have the guts to talk to him ever again.

He has his life and I have mine. We went our separate ways. And it's just time to move on.

I have lived in Louisiana all this time. It's just home. I got my horses, and this small town that you can know everyone. It's just awesome.

M phone begins to ring. I pick it up.


"Hey Mae are you alright?"

"Um yeah I'm fine...." I say confused.

"Will you go somewhere with me?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

"Jen your not dragging me to that concert. You can go but I'm not."
She didn't say anything.

"Mae I'm just trying to help."

"Help what? I'm over it okay?"

"Okay." She said. Before I could reply she hung up. I roll my eyes and sit back down on the couch. I close my eyes and think about him again. Now I know he's here it's really hard to just not think about him. He don't even know who I am.

I can't lie though, I say I haven't been in a relation ship all this time because I'm scared to get hurt, but the truth is..I'm still in love with hunter.

Young and in love-H.HWhere stories live. Discover now