Chapter 7

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Shutting off the blaring sound of my alarm clock, I stretch out my arms and stand up. I get ready for another hard day at work.

I grab the keys to my car and drove down the street to the small caffe. Parking my car, I get out and walk through the doors. I slip on the apron over my clothes.

"Goodmorning Mae" I smile at the two people behind the counters and grab a notepad and walk over to a table with about four people sitting at it. Giving them a welcoming smile they all look up at me.

"What may I get for you?" I ask. They all start shouting out different things and I jot as much of it that I can Down. Knowing I got everything I walk back to the counter and set the order down.
The annoying sound of the bell clanking against the door goes off every Time someone walks in. Makes me want to rip my hair out.

I continue the process of taking orders and bringing people food all day long.

"Good afternoon what can I get for you?" I ask clicking my pen and looking down. It wad quiet. I look up. I clear my throat.


"Hi." I answer
"May I take your order?" I ask again. No answer. I roll my eyes.
The man sitting at the table just stared at me.

Getting annoyed, I ask one more time.

"May I take your order?" He finally tells me what he wants

"Youre cute"
I roll my eyes.

"And not interested" I said. I walk away with the paper and put it on the counter.


Me and the guys walk and sit down at one of the tables. A waitress comes over and takes our drink order. Me ordering the coffee I always get. She walked off and we have a simple but interesting conversation.

The same lady walks back with our drinks and we tell Her what we want.

I hear the sound of dishes crashing against the floor and everything fell quiet in the restraint. I look over at one of the waitresses standing there looking down. With a man standing Infront of her. I just stare along with everyone here. She cleared her throat. The man starts talking to her and grabbing her arm. She forcefully pulled away.

"Excuse me" she said shoving past him coming back with another waitress and a broom. She started to sweep up the broken pieces of glass. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. she stood back up and walked into the back room. The waitress that ran after her went back out and stood in.front of the man

"You need to leave" she told him.
The brunette waitress walked back out and ignored everyone. I wonder if she is okay. After arguing with the man he looked back at her and walked out the door.

Then I realised who she was...


"Excuse me." I say. I walk around and the guy is following me around like a lost puppy. I was getting annoyed. I try ignoring him.
"How old are you?" He starts asking me a lot of weird questions. I ignored him. He started to press himself against me.
"Stop." I say trying to stay calm. He was grabbing my arm. I was trying to push past him and get to the table I was trying to get to.
"Stop. Let go." I say getting a little more frustrated.
"What's wrong?" He asks shoving me over and I dropped all the plates and food.

after dropping everything I look around and everyone was staring at me. I was getting angry with this man. I finally get past him and try to clean it up. Getting frustrated with everyone staring at me I walk into the back room

"Mae!" Sabrina runs after me.
"Who was he?" She asks. I shrug.

" I don't know but he won't leave me alone." I rub my forehead. She walked back out.

I walked back out and tried ignoring him.

I walk back to the table that I was going to Before the accident. Embarrassed, I tried avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll have that right back out and I won't drop your stuff..." I cleared my throat.

I started to walk away.
I felt someone grab my wrist again.

"I asked you to leave me alone please" I said.

"turn around Mae." I heard. I slowly turned my head. It was hunter. Oh my god.

He smiled and let go of my wrist.

"Mae. Tell me this isn't a dream"

"I wish the first part of the day was a dream but this isn't a dream." I said. He brought Me into a huge hug.

I hugged him back. I looked over his shoulder at the guys he was with Just watching.

I pulled away from hunter.

"Uh... it was nice to see you hunter" I cleared my throat. I looked down.
"It was nice seeing you" I said again.

I walked away and took off my apron and walked outside to my car.

I got in and put my head down.

What a day.


I watched as she got in her truck and drove off. I hope shes okay.

I sat back down with the guys.

"Is she okay?" Matt asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said.

"Where do you know her from?" Devin asked.
I looked back out the window. I tapped my fingers against the table.

"Highschool" I answered. They all looked at each other.

I hope she didn't run off because she remembered what a jerk I was. I looked down
"She was my girlfriend for like three years." I said. Matt patted me on the back.

"Did she remember you?" Steve asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah. But probably not in the best way. I left her to go to Nashville." I said. They all nodded.

We all got up and left.


I got home and sat on my couch. My heart still racing from embarrassing myself like that. The worst part is, is that hunter was there. I was so embarrassed. I never even want to be seen in public ever again.

There was A knock on my door and I stood up to answer it.

"Hey Jen" I said. She smiled and walked in and we sat on the couch.

"Are you okay? You look like you have been crying." Jen said. I shook my head.

"I'm just having a bad day." I said. I looked down at my lap.

"What happened?"
She asked. I shrugged.

"It's stupid." I shook my head and laughed. "Just embarrassed myself Infront of everyone at work" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry. That must've sucked." She said. "Did you hear about who was in town?" She asked. I looked up at her.

"No. Who?" I asked.

"Hunter." She said. She looked at me and I nodded.

"Oh. Oh cool. Good for him." I say acting like I didn't know.

We talked for about an hour and she left.

I sat there and stared at the wall.

This day could not have gone any worse than it did.

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