Chapter 21

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*Mae's pov.*

I rest my chin on my knees.

I hear rustling in the bushes near the entrance. I know its hunter so i just avoid it. I wipe the tears from my eyes and run my fingers through my long brown hair.

Hunter sat next to me. Part of me just wanted to punch him in the jaw. Make him hurt like he hurt me.

But i was just so relieved that he sat by me. He didnt say anything. And i was relieved of the silence that broke out between the two of us. I was happy that we didnt have to say anything. Im happy he came and looked for me. Im so relieved that he isnt yelling anymore. Im so relieved that we arent fighting.

"Are you okay?" he asks in a soft whispering tone.

"Im fine." I reply back in a whispering tone as well.

Hunter put his hand on top of mine. His big warm hand intertwines his fingers with mine. Making my small fragile hand feel safe and protected.

Hunter leaned closer to me and planted a kiss on my neck. His cold lips against my skin making me shiver. He rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt his nose on my neck. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb.

A tear slips from my eye and drips down my chin onto the rock. And i instantly feel a tear drop from hunters eye. I shuffle my position so we are staring into each others eyes. I closed my eyes.

"I didnt mean to hurt you." he whispered.

I shook my head. I nuzzle my nose agaisnt his.

I look into his eyes, once big and bright blue which are now dull and grey and filled with tears and i cant help but blame myself for his beautiful eyes going dull. I can feel his heart shattered when i touched him.

"You didnt hurt me." I whisper. I put my hand on his cheek.
"I hurt myself." I whisper. Hunter looked down.

I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I dont want to loose you." hunters voice comes more bold and he clears his throat.

"You wont." i close my eyes. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I felt him start to smile

"Remember the first time we were here." he says. I smile. Flashbacks play over and over in the back of my head.

"Do you really think ill leave you again?" hunter asks.

"I dont think you will." i say. "Im scared you will."

"You have nothing to be scared of." hunter kissed my forehead.

I remember when hunter and i first realized we were more than friends. We fought about the silliest things. We let everything come between us.

One day Angel asked me why we do that. She couldnt understand why hunter and I, or even our parents fought over silly thing. She thought we were suppose to love eachother and always agree on everything.

I told her we would be a bad couple if we had no differences. I said it would be boring to be with someone so much like me. I told her differences give us something to talk about.

"Why do we get so caught up in the moment that we let anything come between us?" i ask.
Hunter shrugs

"Because we love eachother." hunter said.

"I dont feel like we know eachother enough anymore." i say.

"Why do you say that?" hunter asks.

"What happened to you while you were gone? What changed you?" i ask.

Hunter sighs as if he is going to deep thought.

"Not having you is what changed me." he said.

"Why did you wait so long to come back?" i ask.

"I was scared." he said. "I was scared that you wouldnt love me. I was scared youd moved on and i was here for nothing. I didnt know what to expect. I dont know why i didnt call. I dont know why i was holding myself back so much. It was the dumbest thing ive done but the best thing ive ever done."

I smile at him.

"I love you." i whisper.

"I love you too." he kisses my head again.

He lifted my chin up and locked his lips with me. He gave me a soft passionate kiss. He was gentle.

"Im sorry." i began to cry.

"Sorry about what, baby girl?" he whispers.

I sob. "Im sorry for holding you back. Im sorry you cant be making music and doing what you love." i wipe my eyes. Tears so hot they sting my eyes.

He drug his thumb across my cheek under my eye.

"You are what i love. You are my music." he kissed my cheek and smiled at me. He stood up and grabbed my hand. I didnt say anything and i followed him and he took me on a long walk.


So im so so sorry i havent been updating. Its been such a long time since i updated. And im going to try updating every week. Im realky going to try haard this time! I hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment and tell me what i can do better. Let me know what you think! Dont be a ghost! Love you all!

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