Chapter 8

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*OCTOBER 3RD 2007*

"Come on!"
Hunter begs me
"Please don't make me do this."
I beg back.

Humter decided to do something fun today and may I be the first to say.... We have two different ideas of fun.

"Come on. You agreed to go swimming with me. Don't chicken out." Hunter teased me. I looked up and that stupid smirk of his that melts me plastered on his face.
Hunter took my wrist and dragged me to the top of the cliff.

"Yeah but when you said swimming I didn't mean at a lake with one way down....jumping off a cliff! That's insane you psycho!"
He laughed at me.

"It's not even tht far down." He said.

"Stop laughing." I pushed him over a bit.

"It's cute how scared you are. It'll be okay I promise. I won't let you get hurt." He said.

And without another word hunter picked me up bridal style.

"Hunter!!" I scream at him hoping he would put me down.

He smiled and as I felt him running to the edge of the cliff I buried my face in his chest and I felt him jump.

I looked down and was instantly slapped with the feeling of water smashing against me in a painful way.

I swam back up to the top gasping for air.

"Oh my god."

"See.. It wasn't that bad."

He swam closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

He laughed again.

I looked around us at the waterfall, the huge trees surrounding us in a huge circle, the sound of the water, the birds, and the blue sky.

"It's beautiful isnt it?" Hunter said. I looked at him, also taking in the surroundings.

"Yeah. It really is."


We sat there for forever. And eventually I had to go. I had to take her home. Which I hate doing.

I pulled up to the front of her house. She looked at her lap.

"I wish you could stay." I told her. She looked up at me.

"I wish you could stay here with me." She said. I brought her into a hug. I know how much she hates being here.

"Me too." I whisper into her ear. She looked deep into my eyes and leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed her back.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you more." She smiled.

"Thanks for hanging out today. I had fun. Maybe we should do it again." She said. She got out and I got out too so she didnt have to go in alone.

She opened the door and walked in. I hugged her one more time and her dad stood up from the couch.

"Where have you been? You're late."

She looked back at me.

"I was with hunter. Im sorry for being late it won't happen again." She said.

"Goodbye." She said. I let go of her hand

"Text me"

I walked out.

"Get to your room." Her dad screamed.

I closed the door.

"Don't touch me!" I hear her yell. I shake my head. I wish she didn't have to be here.

I got in my truck and drove home.

"I'm home" I say to my mom walking in to the kitchen.

"Hey honey." She turned around.
"What happened? You're all wet!"

I shrugged.

"Me and Mae went swimming." She nodded.

"Do you want to help me out with dinner?"

I nod. I stand next to my mom. It was quiet. My dad was sitting at the table.

"Mom, Can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course honey." She said. I signed.

"What would you do if someone you know is getting abused?" I asked her. She turned around with big eyes an my dad looked at me.

"Oh honey, you don't mean Mae do you?" She asked. I didn't answer.
"Why would you think that?" She asked.

"Because when I took her home today I walked out of her house and her dad started yelling at her and she yelled at him to not touch her. I'm just worried. That's all. I don't want him to hurt her."

She looked at me.

"You should probably talk to mae and get things sorted out with her, and then if something is happening to her, then call someone. The police, or something." My dad told me.

"Okay. Thanks dad." I smiled.


My cell phone started to ring.

It's hunter

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey baby are you okay?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yes. I'm fine" I whispered.

"Mae, can I ask you an important question?"

"Um, yeah sure." I said.
He was quiet. I heard him breathing.

"Mae are you getting abused by your dad?"
My eyes widened.

"'m not."
I say.

"You're lying. Why did he touch you when I left? What did he do mae? Don't lie this time I always know when you're lying"

"Hunter please don't tell anyone. Please."

"Someone needs to know. Someone has to help you mae. This isn't okay. Don't put it off like its nothing. I don't want you getting hurt."


I drove down to her house and picked her up and took her back to the waterfall. We sat down and watched the waterfall smash against the water.

"I love you." I told her.
I seen her wipe a tear from her face.

"How'd you know?" She whispered.

"I heard you Mae. I heard you tell him to stop touching you. Did he hit you?"

She began to cry so I pulled her onto my chest. I rested my head on hers.

"I'm so sorry mae. I'm so sorry." .

I can't believe this is happening to her. She is so sweet. She is so nice. She talks to her dad with respect even when he doesn't deserve it. And now I know why. She does it to protect herself from getting hurt and making him more mad. She knows if she is disrespectful in any way he will get her. Even when she don't deserve it.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too Mae." I kissed the top of her head.

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