Chapter 6

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*SEPTEMBER 28 2007*


I sit down on my bedroom floor. My dad storms out of my room and slams the door shut. Leaving a cigarette in the door frame. I sink down the side of the wall and place my hands on the side of my head. I wipe the tear from my eyes.
I hear something coming from down the hall. Something rather loud causing my ears to ring. A glass bottle smashed across the floor. I can picture it in my mind now. Small shattered pieces of brown glass all over the hard wood floor in the kitchen. I sob quietly into my knees and pull myself into my sweater.
Listening to the whistles of the wind and the hard raindrops falling from the sky sounding like bullets bouncing off a Tin roof
I run my fingers through my hair, squint my eyes shut and stare down at the floor.

I look out the window at the grey dull sky staring back at me. The clouds have never looked so grey.

I look down at my phone. As if on cue my phone beeped.


"Hey babe are you okay?" It said.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie. The last thing I need is hunter to pity me again. I shut off my phone. I quietly open my bedroom door and look down the stairs. I can mentally hear my dads footsteps just walking around down there but I completely know he's passed out on the Couch with another half full beer bottle in his hand and a burnt down cigarette in the other. I walk into the bathroom and get a cold washcloth.

Carrying it back to my room, I lay down on my back on my bed and put it on my forehead. I closed my eyes for a little while. My phone beeped again But I ignored it. I looked up at the ceiling fan as it slowly turned around and around in circles.

I decide to look at my phone.

Hunter again. Who else would it be? He's my only friend.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I smiled knowing he cared.

"Yes I'm sure." I say. He instantly started to reply.

"Okay. Open your window then."

I look out the window and sure enough see hunters truck in front of my house. I open the window quietly and he crawled up the tree and into my bedroom window.

"I thought you were okay." He whispered. I looked down.

"I thought that a long time ago." I said barely above a whisper. I looked down.

"What's wrong?" He asked taking my hand. I wiped my tears and looked outside at the pitch black sky. I was afraid of this. Him pitying me. Or even worse me pitying myself.

He rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. I sat down and he sat down next to me. I felt him looking at me.

"Please tell me." He whispered really quiet. I looked at our intertwined fingers

I looked up at him and have him a weak smile.

"Did he hurt you?" He whispered. He placed his hand on my cheek. Knowing I didn't even want to answer that, he brought me into a hug and put his hand on the side of my head. I wrap my arms around his and lean into him. I felt him kiss my forehead.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered again.

The thunder went off and echoed through the sky and on a repeated pattern lightning light up the sky and came through my bedroom window making a blue-grey reflection on the walls. Hunter let go of me and he laid down on his back. He smiled at me and I leaned down on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the top off my head and rubbed my arm.


It was dark in here. Like pitch black. But I could feel her shaking and I knew she was slightly crying into the bed sheets and sobbing just hoping I, or anyone wouldn't hear her. If he hurts her ever again... I swear to god.
I rubbed her arm with my thumb just wanting her to calm down.

I wanted answers, what happened, what did he do, or what she did but I knew asking all those questions would just upset her. And as her boyfriend, I think upsetting her would be the wrong thing to do. So I comforted her. Like a boyfriend should.

She gets enough of it at school. But at home too? That's just too much. Especially for her. I felt her stop shaking and she reached up and wiped her face.

"He's probably gone now." She said. She looked out the window, the porch light was on but her dad wasn't home.
"Hunter please don't Pity me." She said.

"Mae I don't care if you like it or not. It's not pity it's comfort." I said. I heard her sniffle her nose and she laid her head back on my chest.

"It's never going to stop, is it hunter?" She asked. I didn't answer. I just pulled her closer and hugged her tighter.

"Of course it will." I whispered.

she stood up.

"Are you going to leave?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'll be here all night." I said. She pulled the sheets of her bed down and we both crawled under the blankets. I looked down at her, only to see her bright green eyes which have slowly faded into a light grey piercing up at me. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap.

"I'll be here with you 'til the end. I promise." I whisper into her ear. She tried giving me a weak smile. I give one back in return. She leaned down and her soft lips met mine. She wrapped her legs around me and I put my hand on her back. She let go and her nose rubbed against mine.

"Thank you hunter." She whispered. I nodded and kissed her again. She pulled herself into me closer. I wrapped my arms around her whole body and hugged her.

She leaned over and turned on the lamp. I looked deep into her eyes.

"Please stop crying." I whispered. She wiped her eyes and pulled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. I looked at the back of her forearm and there was a bruise. I looked up at her.

"Did he do this to you?" I whispered. She started to cry again and slowly nodded her head. I turned off the lamp and we laid back down.


"Did he do this?" He asked. When I nodded, he laid back down and wrapped his arm around my stomach and held me really close to him, he hummed softly into my ear. I stared blankly at the wall.

About an hour passed by and he had stopped humming. He pulled up the blankets over us and hugged me tight making me warm.

He kissed my temple.

I fell asleep in his arms. The best feeling I can honestly ask for.

I felt his chest bump up as in a small laugh or a giggle.

"What?" I asked.

"I never even would've pictured me climbing up your tree and sneaking into your house." He mumbled. I look up at him in the dark. His hands are on his forehead. I could see the smile creeping across his face.
"It's actually kinda creepy if you think about it." He said. I laughed.

"It's not creepy." I said. He kept silently giggling. I turned on the lo beside my bed.
"It's actually kinda cute." I said. He poked my nose.

"Yeah. You'd think." I laughed again. He sat up next to me.

He still had a smile on his face. He wrapped one of his arms around my back and pulled me into his chest.

I Smiled because he kept laughing and I could just feel the smile across his face.

"Stop it." I pushed his chest away from me. He laughed again.

"Sorry. Your just really cute." He said.

"Yeah excuses." I said. He rolled his eyes.

He pushed my arm and I tilted over. He kissed my head.

"It wasn't an excuse you little brat." He said laughing. I laughed.

"Fine. It was a lie." I said. He rolled his eyes again.

"God your so hard to work with." He said. I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled at him.

"That makes two of us." He winked at me and leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you." He whispered

"I love you too."

Young and in love-H.HWhere stories live. Discover now