Chapter 19

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*the next morning*

I am awoken by the unpleasant sound of my phone ringing.

I squint my eyes from the light shining through my window.

I press ignore on my phone and snuggle against hunter again.

It vibrates, signaling a text. and I get tire of the noise and open the message.

Jen: why aren't you answering the phone

I roll my eyes

I'm trying to sleep. thank you.
I throw my phone back on the nightstand.

Its like ten
she texts back.

I don't really care.
I argue.
I shut my phone down.

I feel hunter moving around. I look over at him. his eyes are still closed.

I smile and swing my legs over the side of my bed. I begin standing up and I feel hunter grab my arm and he yanks me back down onto the bed.

"Hunter." I groan.

"Stay here." He chuckled slightly.

"Hunter I need to get up. I've got things to do." I whisper.

"Can't they wait?" he asked. I shake my head. he opens his eyes and put his forehead up to mine.

"No." I smile. he rolled his eyes and smiled at me and sat up.

I sit up after him and sat in front of him.

He held both of my hands and rested his forehead on mine.

It was quiet. we weren't saying anything. I like the quiet. it felt like we were reading each others minds.

"I gotta go." I whisper.

He pecked my lips and sighed.

"No." he smiled.

"Come on." i laugh. "you don't have anything to do today?"


"What about your band? Why don't you hang out with them?" I ask.

"They are stupid." he smiled. I laughed and stood up. he was still holding my hands.

"I didn't come down here to hang out with the guys. I came here to be with you." he stood up and kissed me again.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smile and wrap my arm around his neck.

"I love you." he said. I smile.

"You've said that a lot today." I smile,
"But I love you too." I kiss his cheek.

"Okay hugs over." I laughed at him.

We let go of each other and I walked out of the bedroom after kissing him again.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into some jeans, and a black v-neck t-shirt.

I walk back into my room and plugged in my curling wand.

I sit down in front of my mirror and pull out the top drawer. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail to get it out of my face.

Hunter walked in.

"Hey you jinxed me." he smiled
"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The band wants to get together and have a little 'writing session' today." he said.

"Oh cool. where at?" I ask.

"Can we do it here?" he asks.

"Yeah. I was planning on going to the mall today with the girls." I say. he nods.

"Works out then"
He started walking away.

"Oh wait hunter." I say. he walks back in.

"I think I'm going to tell Jen today." I say and looked down into my makeup bag.

"You want to?"

"Is it okay if I do? should we keep it for a bit longer?" I ask.

"Whatever you want to do." he said. he winked at me and walked off.

"I love you." I call out.

"I love you too!" he screams.

I finish my makeup witch takes about fifteen minutes and then I started curling my hair.

I pin up the top of it.

Hunter came in again and sat on my bed.

"Hi." he smiled. I smile back at him and wrap some hair around my curling wand.

I keep looking at him through the mirror. his messy hair. he's just perfect.

He caught me looking at him and smirked.

"What?" he asks. I shake my head.

"You're just cute." I smile.

He smiled at me.


I met the girls at the mall. they were all standing outside the front doors and we all exchanged hugs and walked in.

"You cleaned up nice today." Sam says and touches my hair.

"Thanks. you did too." I say.

We walk around the mall for about two hours and we sat down at one of the food courts and we got something to eat.

"Mae that guy over there keeps looking over here." Sam whispered in my ear. I look up away from my phone at the blonde haired guy eyeballing us.

"He looks again, I'm going to throw this hotdog at him." I laugh.

"Mae." Jen says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

She started saying something but I zoned out. just nodding my head.

We all break out into a conversation.

"Did you tell them?" my phone lights up. hunter.

Before anyone could see my screen, I pick up my phone an hold it kinda close making sure no one can see.

"What are you doing?" I hear. I look up and my phone is vibrating.

I get kinda nervous. I put my phone down and Jen is kinda eyeballing me. I nervously look down. she knows I'm hiding something.

I motion for her to come sit down next to me in the empty seat.

She walks over and the girls are still all talking. I feel her looking at me.

I put my phone under the table and text her.

Lets go to the bathroom so we can talk in private?

I text her. She nods

"We will be right back." Jen says. they look at us but engage in talking again.

I drag her into the bathroom.

When everyone is gone and its just us, she starts talking.

"What are you hiding?" she asks.

"Listen. you can't repeat this to Anyone okay?" I ask. she nods her head.

I take a deep breath.

"It's a long story....." I say.

"Come on. what?" she Said.

"Promise you won't freak?" I ask.

"I promise."

I take a deep breathe and look into her eyes.

"Me and hunter are back together and we have been secretly dating for the past few months. I'm so sorry." I say.

She seemed upset.

"Why would you keep this from me?" she whispered

Young and in love-H.HWhere stories live. Discover now