Chapter 5

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Ever since she brought up hunter it's just weird. Almost too weird.

There was a knock on my front door and I stand up to open it. Seeing Jen on the other side, I moved to let her in. She sat down on my couch.

"Hey." I say sitting down too.

"Hey." She laughed.

"Want some coffee?" I ask. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"Umm duh." She said. I laughed and we walked into the kitchen

"So what's up?"

I ask. She puffed out her cheeks.

"I don't know." I laughed at her response.

I poured her some coffee and we sat there at my kitchen table being quiet.

It must've been cold out seeing she was using her coffee mug for warmth on her hands

"Is it cold out?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"No. Not really." She said. I nodded. She was looking at all the pictures on my fridge. Mostly pictures of us in high school or whatever.

"Mae-" she cut herself off. She set her coffee down and walked close to the fridge and took one of the pictures down
"You kept this?" She asked. Not knowing what picture she was talking about, she showed me.

"Yeah...I mean why not? It's just for a high school memory." I say. I looked down at the floor.
It was a picture from our senior prom, had me and hunter and Jen and her prom date in it. She smiled at me and I tried my best to give a weak smile back.

"I thought after all these years you would've burned it or something." She said. I nodded.

"Well it just seemed like one of those things that you would want to keep for forever. If I did burn it, to this day and way out and beyond like 20 or 30 years from now I would be asking myself why I burned it. Or even where it was."

She smiled again. She put it back on the fridge.

"You have a lot of old pictures here. Makes me wish we were still in that grade living some of these over. You know?" She asked. I smiled and looked back down at the ground again.

"Yeah. That would be pretty cool to be that young again. Not having to worry about anything. Not thinking or having responsibility." I paused. I looked back at the picture.
"Just to be young and in love again. Just to be worry less teenaged girls again."

Jen nodded and stepped back standing next to me.

"Do you have any old photo albums?" She asked out of the blue. I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Yeah of course I do. Come on." I say motioning my head to the stairs where my room was. She followed me up the stairs and we walk in my room and Jen say down on my bed. I walked over to my shelf and pulled out a few photo albums.

Jen opened one and it had a bunch of pictures of us. In high school, with our girl friends. She laughed to herself while looking at some of the pictures.

She turned the page and I looked over her shoulder. We talked about what we remember when we took those pictures.

She looked over her shoulder at me and I pretended like I didn't see the picture in the corner of the page.

But of course I did.

"Mae. I know your looking at it."

"I know" I said.

"You should just find him Mae."

"Why would I do that? That's insane." I said.

She turned the page again. A collage of pictures of me and hunter.

"Because you two were so happy."

I sigh. "Well.." She said.

"Well what?" I ask. She acted like she didn't hear me. Her phone started to buzz and she stood up to answer it. She walked out into the hallway. A few minutes later she walked back in

"Hey I have to go. Ill drop by later okay?" She asks. I nod. She smiled and walked over to hug me, I hugged her back. I walked down the stairs with her and waited at the door until she left and I walked back in and closed the door. I ran my fingers through my hair and slid my back down to the ground and sat against the door sating at the wall in front of me.

I stand up and walk back up the stairs.

I look at all the pictures again. Memories flooding my brain.
I smile at the pictures. Replaying the exact moments in my head.

Wishing I could just relive the times again

Young and in love-H.HWhere stories live. Discover now