Ruby Sons

231 10 8

May 1987

Maggie kept her head down and her Walkman full volume as she walked to work. She couldn't wait to get out of here. Just 4 more months and she'd be gone. London St Martin's college. Most people in Burnage simply knew her as "the goth girl" they'd shout "Goff!" At her as she passed them. She'd roll her eyes and get on with her day. They never said anything creative. Didn't have the brains. She couldn't wait to get to London where she wouldn't be the only goth in her small town any more.

Days when Man City played at home, like today, were the worst. What was it about her that made so many drunk, angry little men in light blue football tops so mad? She hated the lot of them. Despicable. A brainless mob of hatred and ignorance passed from father to son. She left insanely early in the morning to avoid any situations. Not that she couldn't handle herself. She stood up to them even if it meant getting worse abuse back. She wasn't afraid.

They weren't all bad she supposed. One kid that came into the shop a lot that lived near her would go to the games and he'd give her a wave. Or a respectful nod at least if he saw her in the street. Tell his mates to shut up if they gave her any attitude. He was alright. Buzzed in dark hair, cheeky smile, devastating blue eyes and pretty lashes that drove all the lasses on the estate wild. Liam Gallagher. She, thankfully was immune to his charms. Not her type at all but she appreciated that small token of decency in this world that had shown her very little.

Mr Sifter had given her the keys because he knew she liked to go in early on game days. She had her driving test this week. Hopefully these 6am Saturdays would be a thing of the past soon.

She sipped the bitter black coffee feeling herself waken up slightly. She inhaled the scents of old paper from the vinyl covers that comforted her somehow. She listened to the sound of the raindrops against the glass as Burnage began to wake up. Soon to be transformed into a sea of sky blue making their way to the station and onto Maine Road. Idiots. She knew they'd be quiet today and she'd assured Mr Sifter he could have a later start. She enjoyed the solitude and peace and quiet of just being amongst the records and putting on what records she liked. The Smiths, Cocteau Twins, The Cure, Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cult, The Damned, Siouxsie...she could just be at peace with her music and shut off completely from the rest of the outside world. That to be honest, she didn't like all that much.


Noel felt euphoric. Man City had won 2-0. It was a nice little 90 minute distraction from his other wise not very exciting life. And it gave him a chance to be close to Liam without fighting for once. He was more man than boy now. 16 in a few months. He remembered holding him when he was just born. Doted upon and spoiled from the minute he arrived. He became a side character in the Liam show from that very moment. He rolled his eyes as two young teenage girls did a double take on Liam and giggled behind their hands. Lad had more game than he ever did and he wasn't even legal yet. Noel shook his head and rubbed his knuckles roughly against Liam's buzzed in hair.

"Getting all the birds even when you look like a criminal with this fucking terrible haircut. Fair play."

Liam shoved him off with a grin.

"Girls think it's cool man. Makes me look 'ard and that. Not like you. Get a fucking haircut you look like a bird. Better be careful or you'll be getting attention from lads and not birds." He teased. Noel shoved him as they walked side by side in a relative and rare peaceful silence for them on their pilgrimage to Sifters on the way home.

Noel remembered being taken to Maine Road with Paul and even Liam when he was little by his father before things had imploded. Well...while they were imploding actually. For those 90 minutes Noel pretended they had a normal relationship. It was easy to. It was easy to pretend as they celebrated a goal and he put an arm around him. It almost seemed that he loved him. That his father took pride in him. Until they got home and the euphoria faded and the multiple pints his father had sank finally took full effect. Shouting, screaming, glass smashing the pain and feeling worthless.

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