Wish You Were Here

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Noel slowly crept through the house at 6am. It only took about 20 minutes to walk to Sifter's and he didnt need to be there until 8. But he couldn't sleep. He had weird butterflies and kept fearing he'd sleep in. Which wouldn't have normally bothered him but he didn't want more ammunition to make Maggie think he was even more of a cunt for some reason.

Maggie stepped out of her door and felt the drizzle on her face before she popped her hood up. Her eyes widened as she saw what looked remarkably like Noel Gallagher's outline slowly walking down the hill. She jogged up to him her heart thumping in her chest. Why? She could have just ignored him? She couldn't say.

"Oi! I said 8. Not 6:30."

Noel looked momentarily startled from his thoughts as he looked at Maggie who had appeared at hid side.

Noel shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep."

Maggie nodded as their steps fell in time with each other.

"Nervous? Wow. I thought you were a tough lad. You know...kind of lad that squares up to 6'5 guys without flinching." She said with a teasing light in her eyes.

Noel held her gaze and gave her a small smile whilst shaking his head.

"I'm not nervous."

Maggie glanced away nodding.

"If you say so."

"What you doing up so early?"

Maggie shrugged.

"I always go in early. Habit. Especially on game days. Helps me avoid...the wankers. The shite comments about me hair or me make up."

Noel frowned slightly. He had to admit when folk got fired up for game day woth all that excess energy amd passion sometimes that would all get targeted on an unsuspecting victim. But it was all a laugh right?

"But I mean none of us mean it. It's just...a laugh."

Maggie held his gaze giving him a disappointed smile.

"Us? You align yourself with those inbreds? Guess I gave you too much credit to think otherwise."

Noel sighed.

"Look, we aren't all bad. Same as any other section of society. You get goth cunts as well...your boyfriend for example."

Maggie's face hardened.

"Well alright yeah fine. But we would never shout things about you cause we'd get fucking beaten to a pulp. We're not...violent. And not that it's any of your business but not my boyfriend. Not anymore."

Noel held her gaze gently seeing how passionate and worked up she was getting.

"Everyone is capable of being violent He was going to hit you. And he would have if I hadn't stepped in. And I would have hit him without a second thought if he had hit you. Simple as that. If that makes you think less of me then so be it."

Maggie swallowed thickly feeling her face heat under his steady, blue gaze. He would have got his knuckles bloody for her. In order to do the right thing. To protect someone that needed protecting. It made her stomach feel strange. Excited and sick all at once. He didn't have a hood on his jacket and his long hair was starting to curl around his face quite prettily. Oh no.

Maggie shook her head breaking their eye contact.

"That's different...and I'm grateful you know. Like I said in my note. I really am. But I just mean on game days right how is it a laugh exactly? Let's say I'm minding my own business, going about my day, then just because they're drunk and stupid and feral and full of testosterone and rage they shout things at me because I don't have a man City top on and maybe I look a bit different from them. Explain how that's a laugh. Explain how I deserve that. Go on."

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