Happy Birthday

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Noel felt rough as fuck. His mates had taken him out for his birthday and they'd all taken the piss with taking E's. He'd only slept for a couple of hours tops. His body was still pulsing and twitching. He'd got off with some bird. Stunning. He couldn't believe his luck. Hazy memories of sweaty ecstasy soaked bodies pressing together in the dark. Her hair and eyes had been dark and sometimes when he'd been with her Maggie had flickered across his mind shamefully. He'd tried to shake her from his head to no avail. This wasn't good.

They were working close together and would continue to do so. He'd assured her there'd be no danger of him feeling attracted to her. A lie. He had to sort himself out. Showering and drinking water to flood his parched system didn't help. He felt all confused, and that had nothing to do with the pills trying to exit his system.

He felt an odd fluttery sensation in his stomach as he watched Maggie pop her hood up as she walked down the street. He checked his watch 07:32. He jogged slightly to catch up, well as much as he could jog, feeling as rough as he did.

Maggie turned around at the sound of footsteps and smiled at him. That fluttery feeling increased tenfold. Oh dear.

"Thought you'd stood me up then. Late one last night?" She teased.

Noel nodded.

"Yeah. We took the piss a bit at the Haçienda. It was for a birthday and I don't really like birthdays and that but it was good."

Maggie could tell from Noel's gruff voice and his hollowed eyes that he'd caned it last night.

"Whose birthday?" She asked.

Noel hesitated.


Maggie's eyes widened.

"It was your birthday yesterday, and you never even said?"

Noel shook his head.

"Today. I don't really like birthdays like I said. No big deal."

Maggie wondered if he hated birthdays so much because he hadn't ever had any good ones. Or they'd been tinged with family arguments or worse.

"Hey, you know what? I don't even know how old you are."

Noel shrugged.


Maggie smiled despite herself at his almost shy awkwardness he was displaying right now.

"Well... Happy 20th birthday, Noel Gallagher."

Noel gazed at her uncertainly and looked awkwardly flushed at her seemingly earnest words.

"Thanks. You know I don't know how old you are either."

Maggie shrugged.

"17. 18 in 2 months. It'll be nice to be legal in London. Think they're strict about ID and that down there."

Noel nodded, giving her an impressed look.


Maggie nodded.

"I'm going to St Martin's college."

Noel shook his head.

"Should have known. You've got tortured artists written all over your face."

Maggie gave him an offended look.

"Fuck off!"

Noel smiled at her.

"No but seriously, that's dead cool. Can't wait till I get out of here."

"Where do you want to  go?" She asked.

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