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AN: is this the longest I've gone without characters kissing? Possibly. Maybe that'll change soon...but who?

Maggie felt self-conscious as she adjusted her hair in the mirror. She'd tried to "tone down" her look a bit. Noel had said they were "sound" but would they be? She didn't know any of his friends. Noel was sound and accepting, but would they be? Her heart raced, hearing the knock at the door. Noel. She tore down the stairs so her parents wouldn't get to the door first. They looked at her suspiciously. Then, at the boy waiting on the doorstep. They looked at him perplexed, not her type. It was safe. He waved awkwardly, and they nodded politely.

"I'll be back later." She said hurriedly.

"I'll walk her home only live across the road." He reassured them.

Maggie's mum's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Ah! You must be one of the Gallagher boys. How's Paul keeping? Not seen him round here in a while."

Noel nodded.

"Noel. Pleasure. Yeah, he's fine. Got his own flat now. Stays out of trouble."

"And yer mam?" She asked.

Noel smiled.

"She's well, thanks."

She smiled at him.

"Good. Take care."

He nodded as they both left.

Maggie's mum watched them walk down the street in step.

"Strange. Didn't think she'd go for a Gallagher boy." She said deep in thought.

Maggie's father rolled his eyes.

"Peggy's a good woman. Paul was a nice lad. Noel's quiet but keeps out of trouble. It's only the young un' and their father that gave them that bad rep."

She nodded.

"But he's just not like any other boy she's been interested in before."

He shrugged.

"Maybe that's a good thing. That last one was a nightmare. And anyway how do you know she's interested? They work together. They became friends. End of story."

She shook her head with a soft smile.

"I know her."

Noel glanced sideways at Maggie. She looked so pretty but...different. Not like herself.

"You know... you didn't have to try to look like...this...for them. I told you they're cool."

Maggie blushed self-consciously.

"You don't like it?" She asked.

Noel shook his head quickly.

"No, that's not - you look great. But just... do you like it?"

Maggie hesitated, enjoying his rarely witnessed flustered face.

"Yeah. It's fun to mess around with makeup and that sometimes."

Noel grinned.

"I wouldn't know."

Maggie chuckled.

"Next time, I'll get you to be a face makeup model."

"Don't fucking bother."

The house was just like theirs. A council house. The next scheme over. The sounds of voices, movement and music were already clear from inside. Maggie tried to play it cool but she was really nervous. She normally didn't care what people thought of her. But it mattered to her what Noel's friends thought.

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